MESH WITHOUT KNOTS...You have conceived to make their own hammock for the garden, fence for a playpen or cot for baby — in all these cases, can not do without a grid. And to tie it yourself is not so easy: you will need a special device in the form of a hook, and need to know the appropriate technology for the job.


However, you can use a witty way of obtaining the necessary grid intersections, prompted by its readers of the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”. It allows you to do without inevitable in traditional techniques of knitting knots, which simplifies the work and makes it available to any house master.


Regardless of what you decide to use a grid, basically what you’ll need to make is a strong cord-like linen and small metal rings, such as those used for hanging rugs or curtains.
Raw materials for the manufacture of bezuslovnoi mesh
The raw materials for the manufacture of bezuslovnoi mesh:
1 — a linen cord; 2 — metal rings; 3 — support bars for stretching mesh

Getting the crosshair grid
Getting a crosshair grid:
1 — loop; 2 — pulling into the loop the second branch of the cord; 3 — tightening of the branches of the cord in the ring

Using the grid for playpen
The use of netting for playpen:
1 — gymnastic hoops; 2 — rack (tubes or wooden rods); 3 metal rings; 4 — linen thread

Cot with mesh
Baby cot with mesh
Hammock from bezuslovnoi mesh
A hammock made bezuslovnoi mesh
Safety grid on the window and the balcony
Safety grid on the window and the balcony
The protective grid on the window and the balcony
The rest will depend on the specific purpose of the manufactured object. So, for the hammock will need more wood spacers, not allowing the mesh to be folded into a shapeless harness. If going to a playpen — you will need a tubular rack and the two rings like a gym. And in order to fit the crib in addition to podmatrasnye frame mesh needs to be attached to two wooden or tubular cross-members connecting the back of the crib.
Mesh manufacturer
Obtaining pseudo nodes, in principle, it is clear from the resulted scheme. The work is carried out by two opposing branches of the cord. One of them in the right place is a small loop and is skipped in a ring, and it, in turn, passes the end of the second branch. If now the first branch to pull — formed cross of cord and rings, acting as a grid node.
In the drawings examples of the use of such a mesh for a variety of household uses: from the hammock to safety nets on the window and the balcony (if you have small children).

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