NEW NEW Apartment repair is troublesome and expensive. To such conclusion came anyone who has ever experienced this “natural disaster”. The following tips are addressed to the homeowners continue to trust only their own forces and the skills of producing renovations. To save on purchasing the cheapest materials for repair is not worth it. With the abundance which prevails on the shelves of household and home improvement stores to find a compromise solution that suits your artistic taste and financial possibilities, quite real.

Apartment renovation focuses on the coating of walls and even the ceiling Wallpaper is the fastest and beautiful way to finish. The cost of repairs can be greatly reduced. To do this:
1. To make a preliminary calculation of the required amount of paint, Wallpaper, glue, etc. to Cope with this task easily. For this you should know the exact dimensions of the room, and then every seller will help to determine how many cans, coils, linear metres of materials will have to be spent. If you do not believe others ‘ recommendations, armed with a calculator and pay attention to the labels of the packages. As a rule, they are the estimated consumption rate, normalized to the square.
2. Carefully approach the choice of necessary materials and correctly use already purchased.
Choose a Wallpaper Each roll they have small hints, symbols, concerning the purpose and method of treatment. The following table will help to understand these icons.
So, you have a pasting of walls by wall-paper. Whether it is necessary to clean the walls of the old about EV? How to remove the old one? How to glue a new well? What you should take into account?
Wallpaper as a finishing material commonly used, but you must know that they have one technological feature: before pasting new Wallpaper of the old finishing materials must be fully removed. To stick new Wallpaper on old it is impossible even from a purely hygienic considerations, since, served a considerable period, the latter has absorbed the harmful substances contained in the air.
Table of symbols on the Wallpaper
Table of conventional signs on the wall
Fastness to light
Fastness to light
Usually the process of removing old Wallpaper quite time consuming, but using the rational method and smart tools such as trowel, trowel, spiked roller and others, it is so much easier and I. more importantly, avoiding possible damage to the surface of walls.
Earlier in the trading network had the only paper printed Wallpapers, which are usually pasted one upon the other. Therefore, in old houses, removing the Wallpaper layer by layer, it is possible to trace the stages of development of their production. Currently, layer-by-layer gluing of wall-paper is considered to be an undesirable way of performing the finishing works, and with the advent of washable and vinyl Wallpaper that was simply unacceptable.
Thus, we found out that the old Wallpaper must be removed. However, before performing this operation should determine the type of Wallpaper to be removed because different types of Wallpaper removed in different ways. If the walls are glued ordinary printed Wallpaper that can absorb water, their removal will not be easy, but other varieties will have some trouble.
Vinyl Wallpaper is washable, different from those. their printed plastic layer is easily separated from the paper step.
With washable paper Wallpaper, though they are also double layered, to make it impossible, as they have both layers of paper. When removing the textile Wallpaper (basically the same as vinyl materials) it is necessary to try to separate the fabric from the substrate.
The technology of removing paper Wallpaper
1. Moisten 2 — 3 strips of Wallpaper with a cloth, sponge, or any sprayer.
2. Wait for 10 — 20 min until water is absorbed and the Wallpaper will swell and the glue dissolved. If necessary, repeat this operation.
This also applies to paper backing vinyl Wallpaper remaining on the wall after their “dry” removal, since there is no certainty that the substrate is well connected with the wall.
Failure to do so may lead to subsequent exfoliation from the surface of the wall remaining of the old material during its moistening adhesive compositions (with the label new Wallpaper) with the further formation of bubbles, etc.
3. To remove the Wallpaper from the wall, pressure sores with a connecting seam. with a stiff Wallpaper scraper or putty knife.
4. To remove, if necessary, the remains of the Wallpaper, additionally wetting them with a sponge or sprayer and then scrape the Wallpaper with a scraper.
5. Isolating the power supply. loosen the screws and remove the covers of switches and sockets to clean underneath the surface of the wall from the Wallpaper.
The technology of removing washable Wallpaper
1. With a notched scraper or needle cushion to make a notch on the plastic cover Wallpaper
2. To remove the Wallpaper on the technologies recommended for the paper.
3. To accelerate removing washable Wallpaper you can use steam put or puller. Otaru through the wet substrate, one portion of the Wallpaper, press the steam sole to the next.
The technology of removing vinyl Wallpaper
1. Remove vinyl Wallpaper, raising a first area of a film layer and then tearing it across the width with backing paper.
2. Removing the vinyl wrap, remove the paper on the technology bandwagon for paper Wallpaper. Paper substrate can be a bad basis for a new Wallpaper
The technology of removing old Wallpaper by using special fluids
Recently on sale there is a special fluid for removing Wallpaper, which is widely used by master finishers, which help to remove more strong Wallpaper becomes easier and with less effort. This fast-acting drugs that allow you to clean the walls without ruining the surface; they ensure fast and efficient removal of old Wallpaper, thanks to the good permeability through the structure of the materials.
When using liquids for removing Wallpaper it is necessary to adhere to the following technology:
— to prepare a solution, the concentration of which is listed on the package and depends on the type of old Wallpaper;
drench it with a solution of Wallpaper with a sponge, brush, roller or any spray;
wait for 10 — 20 minutes for effective impregnation of the structure of the Wallpaper; if necessary, use a spiked roller, then repeat the wetting.
to remove old Wallpaper using further technology for removing Wallpaper.
To enhance the effect of the use of the liquid, treating the surface of a dense old Wallpaper needle roller: through the “perforations” solution will quickly moisten the structure of the Wallpaper on the depth of the layers.
Also to enhance the effect, it is possible to prepare jelly from Wallpaper paste and liquid, which after 2 — 3 h after wetting will penetrate through the layers of old Wallpaper and give the opportunity to delete layers.
Consumption rate Wallpaper:
Norms of consumption of Wallpaper
The practice of using such fluids, suggest the following technology of their application. Old Wallpaper is wetted with a solution consisting of 14 l of very hot water, half a bottle of liquid for removing Wallpaper, 1 Cup of liquid fabric softener and two tablespoons of baking soda. The solution wall applied garden sprayer or sponge from the bottom up. The spray is produced three times, then give the solution for 15 min to saturate the Wallpapers. Then the Wallpaper is scraped, the wall also washed with a solution of one Cup of vinegar in 4.5 litres of water.
It should be noted that it is a safe material that can be used in areas subject to repair, in the presence of people.
Pasting of walls by wall-paper under painting
Despite the variety of modern finishing materials, Wallpaper remains one of the most common materials for the walls.
There is a whole group of Wallpaper, which is currently gaining popularity (especially when finishing) is embossed (structural) backgrounds without color pattern, designed for painting with the finish, which is quick and easy.
These requirements led to the widespread use of Wallpaper for painting. On the one hand, the staining can “play” with color, on the other, you can choose different textures of Wallpaper, and, finally, the technology of the walls much easier.
Wallpaper for painting are available in several types: fiberglass, paper and non-woven fundamentals, textile and jute.
Fiberglass Wallpaper (fiberglass)
They are in widespread use in Russia in the decoration of villas and cottages, and here’s why. Raw material for fiberglass is a special glass, which at the temperature of 1200°C vtyagivaetsya threads and processed in a particular tissue. Fiberglass is not гори1; this material is flammable bad depending on glues and paints. Moreover, fiberglass is resistant to micro-organisms, are neutral with respect to chemicals, they are not afraid of water and smoke. The strength of the fabric is so high that allows to close small cracks in walls, in plaster. The fiberglass adds stiffness light coating like slabs of drywall or rigid foam, sensitive to shocks and jolts. The surface after applying fiberglass is not strong and not crumble, it is possible to screw screws and hammer nails.
An important factor is the hygiene and sustainability of fiberglass. Steklorezy for the manufacture are used only natural raw materials: silica sand, soda, lime and dolomite. There is no breeding ground for micro-organisms (e.g. ticks, bedbugs), is not formed electrostatic charge.
Open looped fabric structure promotes water vapor permeability. Thus, removing the most common in people causes allergies.
It is also important. that fiberglass is convenient to paste over doors, doors, built-in cabinets, furniture — it can be used in the repair in the apartment, and in the country.
Before you label the basis for fiberglass Wallpaper needs to be pretreated so that it was clean, smooth, firm and suitable for gluing. Wallpaper well cut with scissors or a special knife. Always left rough 5 – 10 cm.
Special adhesive for glass fiber is applied directly to the wall with a roller. Highly absorbent surfaces are covered with glue, diluted with water. For once applied the glue to one piece of cloth Once the glue is laid cloth Wallpaper and smoothed soft cushion. It is important not to damage the edge of fabric. If this occurs, the edge should be cut with a knife along the ruler. Cloth glued butt joint, it should be match the structural pattern in the surrounding leaves.
After sticker on the surface covering is applied with glue diluted with water, to continue to lay down paint. When the glue has dried, the wall can be covered with any paint, It can be dispersed paint with a matte and silky-matte surface (resistant to washing and abrasion), or acrylic paint, forming a smooth coating.
Fiberglass are supplied on rolls of length 50 m and width of 1m. the Consumer offers a variety of fibrous structures and designs. When choosing guided by the rule: the smaller the space, the thinner pattern and texture of Wallpaper. With fiberglass you can solve the problem of unification of the surface in old buildings, walks repairs were carried out repeatedly and in the same room can be walls of different materials: brick, drywall, chipboard, etc. After wallpapering and painting all of the differences the basics “eliminated”, the cracks will close.

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