There is probably not one family that would not receive greeting cards. Over time they accumulate quite a lot, and most of them are usually thrown away. Meanwhile, postcards, due to their rigidity, can be used for making toys, interesting and useful to young children. Here are some of them.
1.“Make a picture”
Postcards often have a format 105×147 mm. you Need to take two of them, shorten to format 105×140 mm, and then cut into squares with dimensions of 35×35 mm. Each square from the first greeting cards to glue with any square of the second cards (pictures out). Make 12 double-sided squares; each with one side element of the first postcard, and on the other the element of the second card. You can now offer this “mixture” squares kid — let him understand them and I’ll try to add an initial view of one of the cards, then the other, turning the squares and finding their correct location relative to each other.
Square blank for drawing pictures
Procurement in the sector
Can cards to cut not on the squares, and the sectors, at first on one and then on the other draw a circle (for example, with a diameter from 80 mm to 100 mm), which is divided into 12 different sectors and cut them out. Now in pairs to glue the sectors from both cards. Baby will be interesting to put them in a circle to while made still the whole picture. It is easy to complicate further this puzzle — for example, further cutting the squares diagonally.
2.Volumetric polyhedrons
This puzzle is for older children, teenagers. First, consider the production of regular polyhedrons. They are five: tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron (triangular faces), hexahedron (a cube with square faces) and the dodecahedron (pentagonal faces).
For the manufacture of the first three should be cut from the cards of the same triangular pieces: for octahedron — 8 and icosahedron — 20.