My house — my fortress. And the fortress must be strong lock. It is clear even to children. An example of this is Evgeny Lebedev, the pupil 3 classes of school № 3 of the city of Kostroma. Practicing at the station of young technicians, he if the task of the invention has devised a system of linear displacement of the plates, which formed the basis for the design of the attachment of the tripartite lock for locking doors. The proposed closure device is quite simple, but to make it enough of a Vice, drill and a couple files. Mounted it with any rim locks, in this case cylinder Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg.

The purpose of consoles is to provide vertical movement of the locking rails for extra door lock at the top and bottom. The main element design — two plates with inclined (45° angle) grooves, which include a thumb slide connected to the lock catch. When turning the key the bolt pulls the slide of his finger, moving in the slots of the plates, move one up, another down, and at the same time — and their connected slats, which guides included in the locking brackets in the upper and lower parts of the door frame. That’s the whole mechanic.
Several observations and recommendations regarding the construction and manufacturing details.
Housing consoles is made from steel sheet of thickness 1.5—2 mm in a rectangular box with Windows on top and bottom for the plates and an additional window in a vertical wall of the slide.
Setting support device:
The installation support device:
1 rail gate (2 pieces); 2 — top; 3 —castle (invoice cylinder latch); 4 — clip guide (2); 5 — clip superpi (2 PCs.)

The design of the locking brackets similar to the guide, the only difference is the height, which is determined by the doorframe.
Reiki is made from steel strip 20×4 mm, the ends are thickening (shown in the figure, the welding can replace riveting).
For plates and thumb slide it is desirable to use steel with increased wear resistance, for example, 40H, SHKH15.
The console Assembly and the rails are fastened with screws to the door leaf, and braces to the door frame.
Yu Deacons,
Methodist the invention syut,

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