Progress in the development of photography in recent years has made it accessible for everyone. Simple photography getting without the hassle is quite cheap, but colorful and high-quality images on materials of different companies in specific locations have forgotten a very interesting area of photography, used the once popular. We are talking about the photo, or volume. This was produced and a special stereophotography with two lenses, and viewers to view the resulting images.

Meanwhile, to master this kind of photography and incorporate it in our photopracticum inexpensively may be just the Amateur photographer, especially a professional. But feelings and impressions from viewing stereochemical will delight even the most discerning viewer.

The principle of photo is really visual human perception of the surrounding world. The fact that we see objects with two eyes, separated by the value B = 60…80 mm, referred to as an eye base. Due to the fact that for each eye the picture is slightly different and seem flat (compare them, alternately closing the left or right), in consideration of the object simultaneously with both eyes occurs visual spatial orientation of objects and reveals their volume — the so-called stereo effect. But even if you look with both eyes at the television, photographic or printing images, the images are still flat, as obtained by shooting with one lens.

Another thing, when the object is filmed from two points, separated from each other by the amount of eye base (the more, the greater the stereo effect, but to establish a baseline of more than 100 mm should not). When you review the prints with both eyes simultaneously (a left — left-eye and right — right) there is a qualitatively new perception is a little different from natural vision and providing a sense of presence.

The simplest form of stereoscopic imaging can be carried out by photographing static subjects: landscapes, still lifes, interiors one camera of any model (for example, frame format 24×36 mm) sequentially with a time interval of 3 to 4 seconds with two points. You can remove the portrait, if during the two exposures one will still. Apparatus thus it is necessary to hold in vertical position. Having received two negatives, one photo size 9×13 cm, make of them a stereo pair. To do this, cut symmetrically the images to the size 9×6 cm and glue them next to each other on a common piece of cardboard so that the distance between the centers of the images does not exceed the minimum eye base (=60 mm). Now they can be viewed through ordinary glasses with lenses from +3 to +8 diopters. For greater convenience you can make another fixture of figure 1, of two sheets of thin aluminum with dimensions of 200×100 mm. fold One in half through the stem diameter 5 — 7 mm and do it with a hacksaw down the slot. It will be blind. Then bend 90° to the strip panel, which will contain pictures of the pair. Blind, put the slot in the bend must be perpendicular to the panel and to be in the middle.


Fig. 1. A device for viewing pictures stereo

Fig. 1. A device for viewing pictures of the stereo pair:

1 — blind; 2 — panel photographs; parts are made of thin sheets of aluminium

Fig. 2. Fixing the camera using the web for shooting vertically spaced frames

Fig. 2. Fixing the camera using the web for shooting vertically spaced frames:

1 — camera; 2 — connecting rod (STZ, stem d10…12); 3 — second camera


Fig. 3. Bracket fix the camera horizontally spaced frames

Fig. 3. Bracket fix the camera horizontally spaced frames


Fig. 4. Stereoscope

Fig. 4. Stereoscope:

1 — rear wall (plywood s 10,2 PCs); 2 decorative buttons (8 PCs); 3 — base (plywood s20); 4 — mirror 50×40 mm (2 PCs); 5 — stand (wood)


In some areas service photographers began to practice a new kind of print — on one sheet of paper, make the picture size 18×24 mm each from all frames of the film. If they
cut and mount on cardboard in pairs at a distance of 60 mm, we obtain very cheap stereo pair.

To consider them, however, it is already using lenses with an optical power of refraction of at least +10 diopters. In this case it is easier to purchase the appropriate lens and, having made for them a simple frame (for example, a plywood plate with two holes with a diameter of 40 mm), fix it lenses at least glue.

As can be seen, the method is simple and accessible to everyone. If there is another camera, the creative possibilities are easy to expand and begin to photograph two phones simultaneously (you can use different models) even moving close to busy streets, groups of people.

To do this, just make up from a round rod with a diameter of 10 to 12 mm rod with threads on both ends of the respective threaded sockets of the devices. Stem length should be such that after screwing on it devices basis was 60 — 100 mm (Fig.2). To ensure mutual fixation devices were in the same plane, you should use the washers, at least cardboard. Now, “catching” the subject in one of the viewfinders, simultaneously press the two release buttons (on both machines) — and it’s done.

For shooting horizontally aligned frames of the film should make another, also in a simple console (Fig.H) sheet metal with holes for the threaded socket of the camera. Requirements to mount cameras remain the same. The fact that it is possible to consider horizontal shots. But in the first method this is not
to do due to the fact that the minimum format of the images produced in the darkroom, — 9×13 cm, greatly cut back them impractical.

If you make a stereoscope (Fig.4), it is possible to consider any pictures. It is somewhat more complex than the blind, but it is available for making home handyman. Moreover, in this case, the larger the format, the better the impression. The offered stereoscope is designed for photo size 15×10 cm For vertically oriented shots behind large walls made of 10 mm plywood, hammered decorative buttons with hats (in the drawing black). And for the horizontally arranged two pairs of the others. When writing and recording of prints on the top or next to each other do not interfere. To combine the left and right images in the visual channel in one stereoscopic serve two normal flat mirror to a size of 50×40 mm and more (these are sold in perfume departments). They are attached with glue for General wood rack, which is rigidly mounted on a base of plywood. Except no mirrors optics is not needed, since the total distance from each eye to the corresponding snapshot equal to 200 mm — distance perception. However, it is possible to examining glasses if you wear them every day.

It should be noted an important feature of this method. Postopku mirror “flips” the image when printing from negatives, you should specify that it was made with inverted emulsion out of the film, which is easily feasible.

In presenting the mentioned method I came up with, in General, are obvious, but interesting idea. Imagine that you shoot objects paired with video cameras, also mounted on the common console-based, like cameras. And then scroll film two captured simultaneously using two VCR on two separate TV’s and are considering a combined mirror image on both screens, as in the photo. What happens? And will not that other, as the stereotelevision at home!

In conclusion, I want to wish all the readers success in mastering this genre of photography and to mention one feature. If the basis In when shooting more eye, the object viewed will look less. And Vice versa.

Alexander GAVRILOV, the item of Inozemtsevo, Stavropol Krai

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