Of course, emery stone can handle any material. But it lacks flexibility, which has sandpaper skin, making her subject to the most “voluptuous” of the surface. By the way, sandpaper it’s called because the ancient craftsmen used pieces of fur with the wet sand, and in coastal cities — the skin of sharks, rough surface which was better than the abrasive.
And if other materials when grinding just find a smooth, shiny surface, the wood is opening more and the natural beauty of its structure. That is why when processing any wooden products are widely used various kinds of abrasive materials. The most common among them is sheet. They differ not only in magnitude grit abrasive surface, but the material of the substrate: the basis of the skin is paper and fabric.
Fig.1. Sandpaper is suitable for processing of planes, regardless whether it is about hand grinding or mechanical. However, we have to consider that it is brittle and can not withstand prolonged moisture, because the abrasive layer is kept on paper thanks to water-soluble glues
Fig.1. Sandpaper is suitable for processing of planes, regardless whether it is about hand grinding or mechanical. However, we have to consider that it is brittle and can not withstand prolonged moisture, because the abrasive layer is kept on paper thanks to water-soluble adhesives
Fig.2. Sandpaper on the fabric base is more durable, not afraid of excesses, allows wetting of the treated surface to improve the grinding process. These qualities allow greater use of abrasives on the fabric base in a variety of mechanical polishing devices and mechanisms
Fig.2. Sandpaper on the fabric base is more durable, not afraid of excesses, allows wetting of the treated surface to improve the grinding process. These qualities allow greater use of abrasives on the fabric base in a variety of mechanical polishing devices and mechanisms
Fig.Z. Along with sheet abrasives are very convenient to use soft
Fig.Z. Along with sheet abrasives are very convenient to use soft “vetoshny” species, like a bunch of oakum with sand — they are easier to adapt to uneven surfaces
Fig.4. The flexible properties of the abrasives on a fabric base allowed us to mechanize the processing of smooth surfaces using hand grinding machines in which the working body is the circle of skin
Fig.4. The flexible properties of the abrasives on a fabric base allowed us to mechanize the processing of smooth surfaces using hand grinding machines in which the working body is a circle of sandpaper
Fig.5. Sander with cloth looped facilitates the most time-consuming transaction — processing edges of flat workpieces
Fig.5. Sander with cloth looped facilitates the most time-consuming transaction — processing edges of flat workpieces
Fig.6. A variety of grinding devices may be made in the form of attachments for the drill. The most affordable and popular option — grinding wheel, plywood or rubber, glued or screwed skin
Fig.6. A variety of grinding devices may be made in the form of attachments for the drill. The most affordable and popular option — grinding wheel, plywood or rubber, glued or screwed skin

Fig.7. A drill with a circle of sandpaper is easy to turn into a portable grinding machine for small components
Fig.7. A drill with a circle of sandpaper is easy to turn into a portable grinding machine for small workpieces
Fig.8. Cylindrical nozzle with a cloth attached to the bench drill — a handy device for grinding of inner edges of the arcuate parts
Fig.8. Cylindrical nozzle with a cloth attached to the bench drill — a handy device for grinding of inner edges of the arcuate parts

Fig.9. Drill with cylindrical sh koroknai nozzle easy to handle notched
Fig.9. Drill with cylindrical sh koroknai nozzle easy to handle notched “window” in the wooden large workpieces
Fig.10. For grinding small areas enough such kolobochek, which simply
Fig.10. For grinding small areas enough such kolobochek, which simply “wrap” a sheet of sandpaper. Left — light a piece of cork to the right is a composite plastic clasp type paperweight
Fig.11. In the manufacture of the clasp from a piece of wood should be planed to cut off both sharp edges on the working surface — slim skin is not going to wear out at the folds
Fig.11. In the manufacture of the clasp from a piece of wood should be planed to cut off both sharp edges on the working surface — slim skin is not going to wear out at the folds
Fig.12. The surface of the clasp is better to make the maximum roughness using a metal brush: the skin will be held firmly, will not slip
Fig.12. The surface of the clasp is better to make the maximum roughness using a metal brush: the skin will be held firmly, will not slip
Fig.13. Wrapped cloth, and the clasp is easy to handle not only the plane, but the edge parts
Fig.13. Wrapped cloth, and the clasp is easy to handle, not only plane, but also edge parts

Fig.14. Dual clasp allows you to grind from both the plane and the part edge between them with one common sheet of sandpaper
Fig.14. Dual clasp allows you to grind from both the plane and the part edge between them with one common sheet of sandpaper
Fig.15. Narrow the clasp is suitable for processing and these bent parts like socks skiing
Fig.15. Narrow the clasp is suitable for processing and these bent parts like socks ski
Fig.16. Flat clasp with handle is convenient when sanding the outer edges of the rounded parts
Fig.16. Flat clasp with handle is convenient when sanding the outer edges of the rounded parts

Fig.17. To handle the inner edges of the curved parts is made the clasp in the form of a Crescent
Fig.17. To handle the inner edges of the curved parts is made the clasp in the form of a Crescent

Fig.18. The clasp is a
Fig.18. The clasp is a”slice” is a universal tool: it can grind not only curved elements, and flat
Fig.19. Even a narrow zhelobkova profiles of details can be treated with skin — enough to pick up for round clasp wooden rod of suitable diameter
Fig.19. Even a narrow zhelobkova profiles of details can be treated with skin — enough to pick up for round clasp wooden rod of suitable diameter
Fig.20. While processing the relief carved surfaces will help the clasp is glued gorsobraniya a mild abrasive
Fig.20. While processing the relief carved surfaces will help the clasp is glued gorsobraniya soft abrasive

Fig.21. Multidisciplinary surface is easier to grind abrasive
Fig.21. Multidisciplinary surface is easier to grind abrasive “cloth”: it penetrates into the hollows, as no other abrasive

Fig.22. Convenient abrasive

Fig.22. Convenient abrasive “cloth” and the processing of pass-through Welt details: thanks to its softness it hugs, as if enveloping, the profile on all sides


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