This stove I installed in the bath at their summer cottage. For ten years I use it and is very happy. The furnace body of metal, is welded from a steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm. From the same sheet made and all other elements of the heating device in contact with the fire. About the same thickness and have the flame tube. The remaining flat parts from steel sheet of thickness 2 mm. Metal variant of the furnace design is selected for several reasons: first, for such stoves do not require massive foundations; second, it can be manufactured in a different, more adapted place and then transported and mounted in the bath; third, it quickly heats the room that country bathhouse is highly desirable.
Have furnace and other virtues, and about them — in the course descriptions.
Because heating of the bath occurs due to natural convection (without fan), for its strengthening in the construction of the furnace is provided with convection air channels — flame pipe is large enough (60 mm) outer diameter. Tubes mounted inside the furnace vertically in a row along the side walls at a distance of about 20 mm from them (best for heating): on the one hand there are five of them, and the other six pieces. The bottom and top of each pipe is welded horizontal pipes, embedded in the side wall and slightly protruding from them.
Cold air from the floor through the bottom nozzles is drawn into the flame tube, there is heated and exits through the top tubes into the steam room again.
Hot water tank installed on the top of the furnace and the water is heated by the ascending flow of the burning gases. Fast heating water all contribute to lifting and lowering the pipe (the same diameter as the flame) mounted along the rear wall of the furnace: drop — outside, lifting the inside. The upper ends of these pipes embedded at the bottom in the back wall of the tank, and the lower coupled segment of the same pipe, plugged at the ends, in which is embedded a hydrant. In the lid of the tank embedded inlet for supplying cold water.
Furnace for a bath:
1 — body (steel, sheet s5); 2 — tubes of the convection channels (steel, pipe 60×4,5, 11 items); 3 — leg (steel, pipe 60×4,5,4 pieces) with thrust bearing (steel, sheet s5,4 PCs); 4 — box ash pan (steel, sheet s2) with a door; 5 — a box furnace (steel, sheet s5) with door; 6 — bunkers (steel, sheet s2); 7 — box of the steam boiler “shopamerica” (steel, sheet s5) with a door; 8 — water tank (steel, bottom — sheet s5, walls and lid — s2); 9 — intake of cold water (steel pipe 1/2″); 10 — damper with damper (steel, sheet s2); 11 system supplying water to steam boiler (steel, funnel — sheet s2, pipe 1/2″) non-return valve; 12 — the hot water valve; 13 downcomer pipe (steel pipe 60×4,5, 2); 14—lifting pipe (steel pipe 60×4,5,2); 15 — connection pipe (steel, pipe 60×4,5); 16 — grate (cast iron); 17—oblique wall of the ash pan (steel, sheet s2); 18 — shelf grate (steel, area 45x45x5); 19—the bottom of the furnace (steel, sheet s5); 20 — steam boiler-“suchoparek” (steel, sheet s5); 21 — bearing tube (steel pipe 60×4,5); 22 — drain valve; 23 — cruciform slit pipe; 24—the door of the steam boiler-“shopamerica” (steel, sheet s2); 25— exhaust steam pipe (steel pipe 60×4,5)
“Suchoparek” (the item numbers correspond to the preceding figure)
In the middle part of the furnace is mounted “suchoparek” (steam boiler)— steel frame, cram before operating with cobblestones, and closed the front door with asbestos gasket. To generate steam within it over the stones and under them set Phillips slotted tube, to which is docked outside the water half-inch pipe with check valves and funnels on the end for filing in the “suchoparek” water manually. Pairs from the “shopamerica” goes through a pipe that is embedded at one end in the side wall of the boiler, and the other in the side wall of the furnace.
To the front of the “shopamerica” welded box, made, like the boiler, from 5 mm steel sheet along the contour of the door that passes through a hole cut in the front wall of the furnace. Another side “of schozophrenia” are connected to the wall of the furnace welded, but not embedded in them a section of pipe. Thus, the boiler is hanging in the center of the oven and serves as a flame spreader, guiding him to the fire pipe and the side wall.
To increase the thermal inertia of the furnace (furnace accumulated to heat and gave it after the furnace), the side walls made bunkers, which are filled with stone-cobblestone or chugunnoe.
Furnace itself is installed in the steam Department of the baths. And in order for the process chamber can be carried out from the dressing room or the washing compartment, to the outlet of the combustion chamber and blower-ash, as well as to the “shopamerica” welded box bent from a 5-mm and 2-mm steel sheets, respectively. Boxes are passed through specially made openings in the brick partition separating the steam separation from the rest of the bath volume. The holes in the furnace wall and the section boxes made of sizes corresponding to the doors, which closed the ends of the boxes facing the dressing room. All exterior door and grate — products of factory manufacturing. The length of the boxes is selected such that during installation of the stove between it and the partition remained period of not less than 100 mm to ensure air convection and this wall of the furnace.
In such a furnace design is the ability to separate a device of the steam room and washing departments. To regulate the temperature of the air in the latter can by opening-closing the door “shopamerica” or the furnace.
The furnace body rests on four feet with glides: legs — tube diameter 60×4,5 mm thrust from a steel sheet 5 mm thick Massive Foundation for the “heater” is not required, but if the floor in the steam room made of wood, and the thickness of the planks less than 50 mm, it is desirable that the legs of the furnace rested on the joists, the Height of the legs should be chosen such that it was possible to clean and provide air circulation under oven best convection. Although the temperature in the ash chamber, and hence the bottom of the furnace is small, then this gap will not be superfluous and fire attitude. With the same purpose under the stove you can put a piece of flat slate. The same sheet (or metal) must be put on the floor in the washing compartment (the dressing room) before combustion and the ash doors.
Need of products of factory manufacturing are given in the table.
With this stove-“heater” bath is prepared very quickly, and to wash, to bathe in it, you can start 20-30 minutes after kindling. Treatments depend on fired oven or not, with the possibility to burn, so if you need parallel and Relight the stove the stove, which is important in cold season.
Thanks to the “shopamerica” in the steam room you can get “dry” steam of a high temperature like in a sauna.
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