SAVE WATER...Any garden or smallholding, as a rule, gives out and pleases the owner with a sufficient quantity of water. If there is a nearby natural source or a Central water supply, the irrigation problem is simplified, but in most cases even the source of hope not. In the hot summer, when rains often leads to increased consumption of water and wells and wells no longer cope with the increased workload. In such cases it is necessary to have on site a supply of water. And here the question arises: what to store?

If possible, you can buy a medium size truck or anything like that, but it is not the way out. In addition, over time the metal rusts, contaminating the water. Much more practical and easier to make a tank out of concrete, and make it underground that does not take place on the site.


Where to start construction? First, you must determine the location and size of the future store. Given that the structure is quite time-consuming, it is not necessary to lay a very large size. Practice shows that the most optimal volume of 3.5…4 m3.


So, when the selected location on the surface of the earth drawn the contours of the pit, start digging. It is necessary to periodically monitor the verticality of the walls and the correctness of the layout. After excavation, the pit is prepared for concreting. This work is simple; however, there are some features in the installation of the formwork. It is best to use shuttering of several parts, and not install it immediately to the full height, as in this case, the possible unresponsiveness of the concrete mass and formation of voids. From this it follows that the height of the formwork must choose in which manually it is possible to compact the concrete. This is typically 500…600 mm Simplified the formwork can be performed by driving against a wall at the bottom of the pit stakes for which infest the leaves of iron.

The thickness of the concrete walls is determined from the condition of strength:
where σR is the calculated voltage kg/cm2; σ — allowable stress, kg/cm2;
where D is the tank diameter, cm; and — the specific weight of water kg/cm3; h — inner height of the tank, cm; t is the wall thickness, see
For example, consider a reservoir with a diameter of 1.6 m and inner height of 2 m (volume of 4.35 m3), σR = 5 kg/cm2, then:
t=(160*0,001*200)/(2*5)=3,2 see
Underground reservoir.
Underground tank:
1 — ring (steel) 2 — “glass” (concrete), 3 — sand, 4—crawl space (concrete).
With a triple margin of safety wall thickness is equal to 10 cm, This small excursion into the theory, we made no accident. The fact is that often there are containers provided by simple plastering of the walls of the pit with concrete. They are very short, if not fail at the first filling with water. Typical places of destruction: bottom walls, the bottom or the joints overlap. In the latter case, the reason for inappropriate design of the building: the pavement extending beyond the contour of the tank, supports it on the ground. When filling with water under her the weight of the tank sinking and the upper part hangs on the pavement as on the base plate, and then is her separation. We conclude that the pavement must be performed as shown — no connection with the “glass”.
After installing the casing into the space formed between it and the earth placed rebar (you can use any scrap metal) and pour the concrete.
Poured concrete mixture harden for a day or two; then the formwork adjustable.
After the construction of the walls of the “Cup” formwork is removed and the shading of the bottom. The final stage in the treatment of internal surfaces of the tank — the so-called dry topping. It is plastered with cement, diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply this solution with a brush. The layer thickness in 2…3 mm will protect the receptacle from water filtration.
The overlap occurs with respect to the foregoing recommendations. The formwork for this operation is suspended.
The dimensions of the aerial part of the vault is selected in the range of 600 to 700 mm high and 500…550 mm in diameter. It is possible to camouflage under a well proper style, then the whole structure will be an architectural complement and decoration of the garden plot.
In the operation of underground tank must periodically be released from the water and cleaned — otherwise, as any body of water, it will become dirty.
L. CARDELAS, S. Terny, Mykolaiv region.

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