Remember as a child playing with blocks. He puts down one, two, three, top zagromozhdaet yet — and it turns out a car, home or tower. Cubes rebellious, impatient child — the structure breaks down. A shame, crying — you have to start all over. In a few months the game is boring, and some cubes will get lost” Purchase three or four dozen bulbs for flashlight, please take a few evenings and you will be able to make the child a game which is performing the functions of the cubes, significantly than entertaining and will be useful to him.
SVATONOVICE — so you can call this toy consist of scoreboard and console, mounted in the same enclosure. The scoreboard is a screen of frosted glass, behind which square cells are bulbs designed for safe voltage (not more than 6.3).
Next to the scoreboard controller switches, which you can use to light a certain lamp or several, in the right combination, making any figure: house, car, letter.
Structurally, the Board consists of a grid, sawn from plywood or aluminum, with holes for lamps and front wall-screen of frosted glass (preferably organic).
Light bulb with caponata different colors: red, blue, green.
In the manufacture of scoreboard should pay attention to the fit of the rear wall and the front (screen) to the grid, otherwise enabled light bulbs will light the adjacent cells.

Fig. 1. The appearance of the toy “Svetoservice”.

Fig. 2. Device light Board:
1 — grid cells for light bulbs, 2 — screen, 3 — light, 4 — M3 screw

Fig. 3. Panel details:
1 pin Board, 2 — screw M6, 3 — pen, 4 — panel.
The remote switch is made from duralumin panel thickness of 3 mm, which made the same threaded holes MB, how many lights on the light Board. Into the holes are screwed the screws M6, which serve as switches. Pre-cut the screws head and that part of the screw is tightened the cut rubber tube on glue or screwed plastic cap from any tube. You can certainly use ready-made toggle switches or buttons, but since the switches will need a lot (30 — 40), the toy will be more expensive.
Under the panel is a printed circuit Board from foil Micarta with conductors contacts for screw propeller — the “tumbler”. The structure of such switches, although simplified, however, as practice has shown, quite convenient and reliable.
Food toys made from battery packs or from the mains using step-down transformer having an output winding sectiontwo. For reasons of safety step-down transformer, preferably placed outside the casing svetochenkov.
The appearance will depend on your taste and possibilities. One of the options shown in the figure.
I. EVSTRATOV, engineer