THE CLOSET... UNDER THE BEDYou approach the bed and out of it… skiing, manual sewing machine or a binder of old magazines, a suitcase or a heater. “Well, — the reader will say-the skeptic, is this furniture dockominiums”. However, let’s not jump to conclusions. Central to the exhibition NTTM, furniture exhibitions of the last years it was possible to see more than one design bed, retractable in the Cabinet-wall. Day it is, thus, not interfere, and the night leans like the table of the Secretary, relying on the hinged back.

What caused such decisions, understood” but. The bed is one of the most bulky pieces of furniture: it takes almost one third of the room, although it is only a few hours a day. It is therefore not surprising and offer our readers the Leningrad I. Polunin — to remove it on the day in niche Cabinet by lifting on the hinge (Fig. 1).
However, there is another way to compensate for the loss of space not hide the bed and the closet. Recall the experience of urban planners, where the effectiveness of a building taking under a certain part of the territory of the city increased due to the increase in population — increase in the same square of the number of floors. And we will increase your payload occupied bed square meters of housing, making “work” is usually an empty space under it. Here are a few designs that turns a place to sleep and rest even in a kind of horizontal rack. Inherent in these decisions principles suitable in the manufacture of new furniture and upgrading your existing regardless of the “source object”, whether it is actually a bed, sofa, sofa bed, childrens couch or daybed.
Versions of the device will be dictated by primarily the largest of designed for storage and placement in pokrovitel the closet things. Similarly, as the sizes of the internal compartments, partitions, shelves, by the way, they may be external — for small items: books, medical supplies.
Probably in every home the most interfering and most hard attached objects are bags, hand sewing machines, cots are required infrequently, and places occupy much. Well, if there are a large mezzanine, built-in cabinets or closets. If not, things like that — the first candidates in the under bed wardrobe: rational layout, it not only will allow you to accommodate large items, but also serve as a comfortable “refuge” for many smaller on the remaining land.
Fig. 1. Vertically retractable bed
Fig. 1. Vertically retractable bed:
1 — cupboard, 2 — spring shock absorber 3 — bed, 4 — panel trim.

Fig. 2. Outdoor under bed wardrobe.
Fig. 2. Outdoor under bed wardrobe.
Fig. 3. Sofa-wardrobe in Palestina space.
Fig. 3. Sofa-wardrobe in Palestina space.
Figure 2 shows a simple device to store large suitcases. To the standard design there are practically only added the panels from a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 3— 5mm in size space between the backs. To impart the necessary rigidity it is laid on a frame of bars 30X30 mm, with three similar crossbars. The bars can not be bonded with each other, only to lubricate and to connect small nails with Polikom, and the side — backs. If between the bags and the bed remain large gaps, the longitudinal bars should be replaced by panels made of boards or chipboard with a thickness of 20 mm and a height of the magnitude gap. The back part of the store to protect from dust better to close panel from hardboard, and the front can be left open: it would not be seen from under the covers or wraps used for decorative purposes. If the bags remain suitable space, it is easy to integrate two vertical partitions with shelf — kits and different things.
The bed or couch with a mattress of foam cushions removable base, made usually of plywood or hardboard, can be converted into a closed door horizontal Cabinet (Fig. 4) or fully lifting lid. Existing base is better to remove, replacing it with a new one from thick plywood (10-12 mm], or chipboard. Depending on the biggest place here object is solved by the interior layout of storage — large main compartment and smaller sections by internal partitions.
A particularly good bed-wardrobe in the kids room: it can accommodate everything from seasonal clothing and shoes to toys and sports equipment. In the inner compartment convenient to lay in the summer skates and sticks, even skis with boots and sticks. And the front panel can be performed depending on the age of the children. For kids it make more compartments-boxes, proposed or opened by rotation around the bottom hinge or hinges: get convenient storage for toys. For older children it is better to leave open cells — with shelves for books, notebooks, stationery, tools and materials.
Figure 6 shows an exemplary embodiment of the improvised bed. The material is chipboard with a thickness of 20 mm, connecting parts on the thorns, using glue and screws. Sanitary requirements for this material all blanks before final Assembly must be athanasouli or covered with decorative foil or enamels, varnish.
Assembly begins with the polycarbonate, based on the longitudinal bars, and end edges attached to supporting bars in the lower part of the backrest. Then set the middle partition and the least — the outer and side panels. The top is placed a main panel with a slotted it covers attached with hinges and has holes that play the role of handles.
Interestingly, you can decide a bed in the corner of the room. It does not have to make furniture as such — is enough to build a wide podium that will serve as both a couch and a wardrobe, and even a kind of table.
Figure 4. Bench-pantry-stepped bedside table.
Figure 4. Bench-pantry-stepped bedside table.
Fig. 5. Bed a wardrobe and a diagram of its Assembly
Fig. 5. Bed a wardrobe and a diagram of its Assembly:
1 — back, 2 — bar, 3 — a longitudinal partition, 4 shelves, 5 — panels, 6 — cross dividers, 7 — upper panel, 8 — cover.

Fig. 6. Wardrobe in the stool.
Fig. 6. Wardrobe in the stool.
The base of the podium — a box made of chipboard. Its dimensions are dictated by the exhaust area (the approximate ratio is shown in figure 4). Bottom boxes it is advisable to lay a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 2-3 mm or hardboard. Arranged inside the partition dividing the store into departments and employees cross supports for their covers. The last side, facing the wall, connect to the box with hinges. Led cover to do not the full width of the box, but only under the mattress, the remaining non-feature narrow bezel can be used as a table: it will accommodate lamps, radios, books. And inside of this spacious store will fit any bulky items.
If the bed adjacent to the window beside her set shown in figure 4, the stepped bedside table, assembled from chipboard. It will cover the radiator will be podtsvetochniki; it will look good large table clock, fruit bowl, basket with knitting.
But it’s not just decoration. Both covers mounted on hinges and are raised, opening the auxiliary volumes for storing all kinds of stuff. And not only small items; large sections can be designed to fit, say, a manual sewing machine.
For most bookshelves, not to mention standard shelves, insoluble problem — the albums of illustrated books, volumes of encyclopedias, various dictionaries and reference books: standing they don’t fit, and laid in a pile, his weight SAG over time, the most durable shelves. Output — to “outdoor” store, on the lower rack levels, or, on the contrary, in the upper attic part of it, but in this case they are uncomfortable and difficult to use. And if you provide a place for them in under bed closet, its outer sections! They can be equipped with sliding Windows or similar doors made of hardboard, plastic, plywood.
Or another option. Figure 5 shows the soft stool box shape the size of 400X400X400 mm, inside which the books of large format. By the way, a similar stool wide can be made corner sofa or a couch with preservation in the lower tier of compartments for large-format publications.

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