TABLE-FOLDINGThe proposed table is equally comfortable in large and in small apartments. It can be used as a coffee or tea. This table is easy to move to the balcony or the lawn at their summer cottage. Design feature in that the carrying table can be easily folded and store when it is not needed, even put into the wardrobe in a flat pack.

The manufacture of such a universal stage is recommended by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” in the first place for those in possession of a set of simple tools and machine for grinding notched legs. But the idea applies to convert an existing table.
The legs of the table and carved a leg, if possible, should be of hardwood (e.g. oak). Of course, the processing of such wood is significantly harder than, for example, soft pine, but in this case, the finished product will be much more beautiful and stronger.
The style of the table is determined primarily by the form of carved legs and strong paws. Maximum diameter of the turned legs is 110 mm. Therefore, for the manufacture of table will need a piece of hardwood of not less diameter. To acquire the necessary preparation in the store now is not difficult.
When making on a small bench top table saw may have problems because of the length of the workpieces (610 mm). In this case there are two outputs.
Fig. 1. Table with folding top
Fig. 1. Table with folding top:
1 — top; 2—bracket countertops; 3—lock bracket; 4—support plate; 5—figure stand; 6—feet (3 pieces); 7 — cover of the unit support feet

A simple solution is that the leg can be cut into two parts, each processed separately, and then connect with each other. In this cut it is best to produce at the junction of the two convex surfaces. In this case, after connection of the halves of the legs place cut will be almost invisible. To ensure reliable connections in each of the connected parts is necessary to make holes with a diameter of about 20 mm: the connection is performed using plug-in round thorns and glue.
If the machine design does not allow to use long panels, and requires a large amount simpler to make for this lathe (see Fig.2) where the length of the workpiece can be significantly increased. But keep in mind that the possibility of such lengthening is also limited. For example, at too great length of the workpiece increases the deflection during processing (this becomes especially dangerous when handling long workpieces of small diameter).
The configuration of the legs of the table shown in figure 1. Using the grid pattern should be enlarged to normal size, and then transfer it on a hard cardboard. Cut the template must be mounted on the frame of the machine to the workpiece. When making the legs of the chisel should be moved so that it follows the shape of the pattern as a copying machine.
Three support legs of table also made from hardwood (e.g. oak Board thickness 30 mm). The shape of the foot can be transferred to paper using a grid. Facing the leg of the table the edge of the foot worn down to a thickness of 20 mm. For fixing the legs in the leg of the table is proper grooves (for example, with a cutter).
Tabletop (tabletop) cut vygruznoy saw from plywood (furniture Board or particle Board) with a thickness of 20 mm. circle with a diameter of 700 mm can be draw using a strong thread, sewed, and pencil.
From the bottom to the top of the table should be fixed two rails using the four studs with diameter 8 mm. the distance between the rails should match the size of the support pads mounted on the upper end of the leg of a table. Pad, in turn, is also attached to the leg using two false spikes with glue.
The reference block and countertop connect the two steel pins of diameter 8 mm. One of them, “axial”, constantly in the pad should be placed exactly in the center of the tabletop. The second rod, pull out, fixed cover the table in a horizontal position.
Rod, playing the role of the rotary axis of the cover section, is inserted into the hole of the pad with an interference fit. The other rod is easily inserted and removed from the pads. Its position in the block if necessary can be fixed with pins at its two ends.
Prepared a table treated with sandpaper and covered with a colourless varnish.
As you can see, the device table is a simple and great difficulties for manufacturing. The only detail that may be puzzling interested in this design, is chiseled strut: how to get it, what fixtures to use? Of course, the easiest way is to go to store construction details and buy ready-made baluster, used for the side railing, wooden step ladders, popular in houses with an attic. Or try to figure the rack, making its hollows and bulges with chisels and coarse round file. However, it is unlikely to bring satisfaction with the result: it is very time-consuming path.
At the same time is easy to make for such purposes, a simplified lathe, which will justify itself and even for other purposes in decorative design, for example, of country houses and their premises. Moreover, its production does not require much experience, and supporting material will always be on the site after the main building.
Simple lathe for wood
Suitable size particle Board, a few wooden bars and a metal rod or pipe type of gas, Yes a subsidiary of trivia is all that is required in order to collect almost eksportny lathe. We give its General description and a schematic diagram. Detail will be specified by the manufacturer depending on the purpose of their own skills and were on hand materials. So, start manufacturing machine.
Of chipboard panels we cut a circle with a diameter of 600 — 800 mm. It will be the flywheel of the machine. Its objective is to facilitate overcoming the resistance to rotation of the part during processing. The second important detail of the machine — the crankshaft, which rotates the flywheel and workpiece. The desirable shape of the crankshaft is clear from the picture. Bend it from the metal rod, thus you need to first obtain a U-shaped Central part, and then bend the short end, which will connect with the flywheel, and longer, reaching to the processed wooden piece. This segment of the crankshaft must end with a spatula or “Trident”: their task is not to let the workpiece rotate during processing. For clamping the workpiece on the other hand will serve as a so-called grandmother from the same metal rod, but with a long threaded end with a nut or standard coupler; the other end will be a rotation handle grandmother — all the way into the workpiece.
Fig. 2. Machine for grinding intricate wooden details
Fig. 2. Machine for grinding intricate wooden details:
1—rack (4 pairs); 2 — flywheel; 3 — camshaft; 4 — a coupling yoke; 5—workpiece; 6—screw grandma, focusing knob; 7—tool-cutter; 8—resistant strap cutter; 9—the lever (foot pedal); 10 — axis foot pedal; 11 —traverse

Of the supporting elements will need a metal plate to clamp on the U-shaped part of the crankshaft, from which will be hard or soft (wooden rod, rope, rope) traverse to the lever-pedal from the bar.
Prepare basic details, you can begin to assemble the machine, a General view of which is clear from figure 2. Frame it is formed of wooden uprights four pairs of bars are connected according to the type of trestles, with simple penetration of the ends into the ground. It remains to add that the upper ends of the pairs of racks, where there are metal parts on the top and bottom to fit their wooden boss from the counter grooved inner recesses, playing the role of bearings.
This machine allows you to get long curly wooden parts with a minimum of effort and without an assistant. The workpiece is clamped between the teeth by the end of the crankshaft and the tip of the tailstock turns by its handle, then the left hand rotates by itself, the flywheel and rhythmic pressure on the foot pedal lever is supported by its rotation and thus a rotation is processed by the tool of the workpiece.

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