CREAKED THE FLOORBOARDSEventually, the old plank floors are beginning to demand greater attention: that the weakened floorboards start to play under my feet and to communicate by squeaks, reminding of the famous comic musical play “kitten on the keys”; the rotting boards threatening to break; the knots were narrowed and povyskakivali from the boards forming the floor of the through hole.

If all wooden floor completely cracked and the floor is full of cracks — would have it open entirely and, rallying boards, re-nail them tight, compensating slit additional inserts — boards or bars. It is better to invite an experienced master with the appropriate tools.
But it happens that there is a need to replace some planks to do it selectively; or even problematic was the only Board. In this case, a home handyman can handle myself by doing one or more simple operations, prompted by the British magazine “the illustrated Mechanics”.
1. If we are talking just about the difference between the levels of adjacent edges of floorboards, on which, forgetting himself, have to stumble, it is easy to detect by using any design level. The tool will show how one Board above the other, as necessary to stesti that the floor was smooth.
1. If we are talking just about the difference between the levels of adjacent edges of floorboards, on which, forgetting himself, have to stumble, it is easy to detect by using any design level. The tool will show how one Board above the other, as necessary to stesti that the floor was smooth.
2. Align the wooden floor is easier with the help of the plane: his knives are not only a wide grip, but also smooth bearing metal plate, jiggle which sensitively shows the presence of irregularities.
2. Align the wooden floor is easier with the help of the plane: his knives are not only a wide grip, but also smooth bearing metal plate, jiggle which sensitively shows the presence of irregularities.
3. In the case when you want to “extract” from wooden flooring a separate Board, it’s easy to do only if the boards are not grooved. Otherwise convex edge on one side, included inside the selected groove of the neighboring Board, and a groove on the other side, which is a pile of neighboring floorboards, will not lift and rip the Board from the Arab League, to which it is nailed. Then the plot requires replacement, through the gap between adjacent boards will have to cut down preventing piles using the jigsaw or just hand saws. Of course, it would be easier to do it with a grinder with a thin saw blade.
3. In the case when you want to
4. So as not to damage the adjacent planks, gently lift the repaired floorboard succeed with a strong blade or trowel by entering any of them in the slot where the Board ends, and gradually pushing it to the defective area.
4. So as not to damage the adjacent planks, gently lift the repaired floorboard succeed with a strong blade or trowel by entering any of them in the slot where the Board ends, and gradually pushing it to the defective area.
5. However, the closer to the joists to which the boards are nailed, the higher its resistance to the lifting strength of the trowel may not be enough. As a more powerful lever will serve as a normal hammer, and then raised to keep the area will help planted under the floorboards of any metal rod (e.g., chisel).
5. However, the closer to the joists to which the boards are nailed, the higher its resistance to the lifting strength of the trowel may not be enough. As a more powerful lever will serve as a normal hammer, and then raised to keep the area will help planted under the floorboards of any metal rod (e.g., chisel).
6. Chisel “hold” raised the terrain above the adjacent boards until he shall be cut with a hacksaw to replace. It is desirable to do over nearest to a repaired site lagoi: then it will be possible to it to beat and the remainder of the floorboards, and the end of the replacement insert.
6. Chisel

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