TABLE... ON THE WALLDesk need and first grade, and academician, not to mention students, engineers, programmers and many other “sedentary” professions. Those that are industrially produced, as a rule, slightly differ from each other only as a decorative finish; the design is almost completely similar. But today the secret to buy in stores is extremely difficult. We offer readers of self-made Desk for publication in Bulgarian journal “Guide yourself.”

Folding table with all its apparent “fragility” and “carelessness” — is quite comfortable, often the only way to somehow to save space in a cramped small apartment or room of a student dormitory. Rescued this table also graduate students and designers — working space allows priklopiti a standard sheet of drawing paper, and the possibility of folding is to continue the work without wasting time for preparation at any time.
The tabletop is cut from a sheet of plywood 12 mm thick; quite suitable drawing Board, bought in the stationer’s shop; you can take and chipboard, but in this case you will need additional processing to give it the appropriate look and quality of the working surface. The ends are closed by the contour of the decorative rojkami of solid wood cross-section 70X 20 mm. Bearing frame and support legs are made of bars section 40 X 60 mm.
Fig. 1. Folding table:
Fig. 1. Folding table:
1 – decorative rail (2pcs., oak or beech, 20х20х1000 mm). 2 – emphasis (2pcs., 40х50х70 mm), 3 – leg folding (2 PCs., timber 40х60х700 mm), 4 – decorative rail (2pcs., oak or beech, 20х20х800 mm). 5 element frame (2pcs., timber 40х60х950мм), 6 – table top (plywood 12х760х960мм), 7 – element frame(beam 40х60х620мм), 8 – rail mounting (oak, 50х50х1000мм), 9 – a furniture hinge (4 PCs.).

R and p. 2. Installation diagram folding table
R and S. 2. Installation diagram of the folding table.
The wall table is attached through the intermediate timber with the sin of dowels. Brackets serve as furniture hinges. Up to the wall position the bottom surface of the countertop can be used as a blackboard, screen for dia-projector, or simply to embed a calendar and posters.

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