Soon again the New year. Until the next national holiday remained about three months. I know from personal experience that the Christmas tree is put in a house literally in the last days (if not hours) of the Old year. But I pity the young pine-trees, annually srubami in favor of age-old traditions, and the ax are the most beautiful and fluffy. Remembering that Peter king himself hung the branches of the Christmas tree on the wall of the festive halls, I decided to apply his experience in the New year to decorate the house with a few of the lower branches of Scots pine. To go branches to the nearest edge of the pine forest were not working, even before the New year. But special support for them, it is advisable to make in advance! But what? For Christmas trees had to do a lot of different from simple wooden “cross” to complicated welding constructions with capacities under water for long term storage of forest beauties in pristine condition. But for a bouquet of pine branches hitherto tinkering was not necessary.
Based on the above, I have designed and built a special stand with space for three-liter jars under water and capture for branches (see drawing and photos).
The design is very simple and consists of only few components: backing plate, stand, support legs, grabs for banks and branches.
Stand for the Christmas bouquet
Stand for the Christmas bouquet:
1 – the platter (the cheek of the crankshaft); 2 – legs (pipe d10,2); 3 – capture for the capacity (pipe d10); 4 – (pipe d16); 5 – capture to branches (pipe-d10); 6 – water tank; 7 – water; 8 – pine (spruce) branch
The material was thin-walled steel tube with a diameter of 10 and 16 mm, which were available and was a good fit. As a reference disc I used the cheek of the crankshaft, motorcycle engine.
Welded arc welding stand smoothed out, painted and put in the closet “ambush” of the New year.
Eve got up on skis and went over the branches in the middle behind the town of Sosnovy Bor. The stand brought into the house, seated her on the platter a jar of water. In Bank lowered the ends of pine branches, and in the middle, and put them over the antennae of the upper grip. Then the branches of the household dressed with a garland, toys and rain…
Very stable stand turned out! Due to the two legs of the thrust and mass of three-liter jar of water to turn accident year craziness dressed stylish “the Christmas tree” is impossible!
A big plus was the ease of transfer if necessary, all dressed “Christmas tree” from one place to another, from the floor to the table. At least to visit with her go!
15 new year’s days, three branches “drink” three liters of water! So – as much vapor, filling the house with pine scent and volatile.
After disassembly “Christmas trees” all unfolds in its place. Stand with a can in the pantry, toys with lights and rain – in the box. And from the branches collected the swollen resinous buds. And while end-of-holiday branches burned in the bathhouse stove, I brewed from the kidneys antiscorbutic tea with the scent of a New year and with pleasure and benefit drink it after a bath.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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