RACK — PROCESSORModern small apartments have to “measure seven times” before it to arrange the furniture. In the nursery the more. One solution is to use furniture combines, for example, such as in the figure. In the daytime, it serves as a table, and it is possible to prepare lessons, and at night transformirovalsya in a sofa bed. Multifunctional furniture of this type is distinguished by compactness and simplicity. For its production does not require scarce materials, it does not contain complex assemblies. The first option universal furniture combine harvester consists of two main pillars-boards connected by a top horizontal shelf Board. Behind them are attached sheets of plywood or hardboard: they give rigidity and stability of the structure.

In the upper part of lockers are available to store notebooks, textbooks and other school supplies. At the bottom of the side racks attached to the mattress (it can be from old sofas, beds). To connect the frame of the mattress and racks used steel bolts and nuts. In the tilted position, the bed rests on two articulated legs. Their stability is ensured by the fact that the upper part of the rotary foot is in the groove in the side Board of the frame of the mattress.
The working plane is made from folding table smooth, planed boards, United in the shield and Sevanavank or covered with plastic, or particle Board. In the horizontal position of the tabletop is supported by two rotary metal bracket.
The next option — the Cabinet-Secretary, transformed into a bed. A distinctive feature of it is that the table forms a longitudinal wall bed in its horizontal position. Joints are the nuts and bolts or round pin that is worn on a metal cylinder, mounted in a side wall of the Cabinet. Fixing the bed in the raised position, with the folding metal latch coming out of the groove wall. On the side of the bed (horizontal table) for this enhanced metal plate meshed with the latch.
And connection of the structural elements, B — cleaning hinged legs.
A method of mounting a lowered part of the structure, B — locking bed latch.

In the first and second embodiments, the Cabinet must be fixed to the wall using metal hooks or brackets, hinges.
Exposed surface finish shall be of the same color and texture. It is desirable to treat the support pillar and the outer part of the bed with sandpaper, and then a few times to cover furniture varnish.
V. STRASHNOV, architect

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