To mechanize this manual operation and to eliminate the risk of injury will allow hydroclean, developed by the Institute of tsniime in collaboration with the Perm machine-building plant named after Dzerzhinsky. Squeezing into the gap of the cut with a sharp beak, hydrokleen-driven petrol-powered saws “Ural-2” or “Friendship-4”, develops a force of up to 5 vehicle, easily enhancing the gap up to 40 mm and thereby getting rid of the stump from cut tree in the desired direction.
Felling hydroclean:
1 — tank with hydrocarbonous fluid, 2 — hose 3 — handle cylinder, 4 — wedge, 5 — outer plate of the wedge.
The use of gidroklina not just increases safety, but also facilitates the work of loggers, promotes the growth of labor productivity in average by 10-15%.