WORK AREAIn modern apartments small size of living rooms is not always, unfortunately, allow you to post full sets of furniture and equipment for pupils. That’s why often there are separate elements are augmented or enhanced section of furniture sets.
This especially applies to old furniture. It can easily be adapted for new purposes, replacing individual nodes and components. In practice, often one small section takes on a completely new function: a Cabinet, for example, is not only a Secretary, prepares the lessons, but also a Desk to practice technical creativity.
We offer the equipment of the working area of the student is designed with the use of Soviet (mainly Baltic) and international experience.
The basis is a traditional Cabinet-Secretary. Width 900 mm Depth of shelves 300 mm cabinets of 500 mm. the dimensions of the folding Board 900X600 mm. the Cabinet is made of chipboard (particle Board) and furniture panels. Surface finished wood. Not excluded the option of gluing plywood panels laminated film.
After the lessons, the student may engage in cutting, burning or some other thing. For this he cites the working position of the toolbar and table in the design of the upgraded wardrobe boxes for storage provided by the grooves.
The panel is made of plywood, upholstered perimeter wooden slats. It is done through holes where you inserted a wooden or plastic pegs for fastening tools. Height of frame from rails 560 mm, thickness (plywood) 40 mm, length 880 mm When the extension bar is completely outside of the Cabinet, so the length of its visible part 860 mm.
Fig. 1. Upgraded secretaire assembled.
Fig. 1. Upgraded secretaire assembled:
1 — panel tools, 2 — Desk, 3 — holder, 4 — flap-table for classes.
Fig. 2. The Secretary, detailed to practice technical creativity.
Fig. 2. The Secretary, detailed to practice technical work:
1 — cupboard, 2 — flap-table in the retracted position, the 3 — door pedestals, 4 — Desk, 5 — support, 6 — hour, 7 — stick, 8 — panel with instruments.
A second groove in which the folded stored boards desktop below, under the frame of the secretaire. Its width 45 mm, height 730 mm.
The kit shields table consists of six elements: cover, two supports connected to the top and bottom corners, and strut.
The cover is attached to the supports and the top area of a furniture hinge on the screws and screws. On the right it is attached to metal area to support on Cabinet Cabinet. To firmly hold the table in horizontal position on the lid of the Cabinet is provided with the special pins.
Between the supports of the work table is a folding stand on which the table rests to the left.
Fig. 3. Device rotating shelves in the Cabinet.
Fig. 3. Device rotating shelves in the Cabinet:
1 — Cabinet, 2 — door, 3 — wooden rod-axis, 4 — shelf, 5 — Board, 6 — mounting area.
Fig. 4. Desk folded.
Fig. 4. Desk folded:
1 — table, 2 — seat angle, 3 — support, 4 — hour, 5 — fastening corners, 6 — furniture hinge.
A toolbar and a work Desk are pushed out of the grooves of the Secretary for the metal bracket-handle, screwed to the left of their vertical members with screws.
For the storage of materials, nails, glue, paint and various preparations used capacity tables. To make it easier to use it, inside the Cabinet is arranged a semi-circular rotating shelves with low sides.
Outer panel (door of veneered chipboard, with shelves attached to it) rotates around a vertical axis, a wooden rod installed flush to the top and bottom cabinets. The door has two handles, right and left. With their help, she, along with shelves and rotated.
Shelves and sides are made from plywood and attached to the door metal corners and screws. Between the shelves located vertical partition: it will give them stiffness and provides a solid support.
V. STRASHNOV, architect

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