CANNED AT HOMEOf corned beef or tinned fish, hardly anyone will refuse. Delicious, ready to eat products, although factory made! And why, in fact, the only factory? Enough to hold of in mini-autoclave and to develop the production of any canned food right at home. All incurred costs will pay off fairly quickly. Especially when you have their own yards, their milk and meat, and fruits and vegetables.

For the manufacture of household autoclave’ll need stainless steel: 1,6 m2 4 mm sheet— for body, 0.3 m2 1.5 mm for pan and Cup (as of the last cylinder, you can use 80-mm section of pipe 20×1,5 if any, will be at your disposal), and a billet with a diameter of 180 mm and a height of 25 mm, for cover. Of structural materials for other parts and assemblies will need two 200-mm rod STZ (diameters 18 mm and 30 mm), 35 mm STZ rod with a diameter of 4 mm and a 1.5 mm heat-resistant rubber. The rest, including the handle, the spring and the spool, you can borrow from your discarded household appliances.
It should be emphasized that to make good the autoclave only in the well-equipped, equipped with all necessary workshop. Home verstecke, and the more “on her knees” this technique is not done. Because in addition to welding sheets of stainless steel, turning, milling, bench work, still need to carry out (at the final stage) testing autoclave under pressure of 15 atmospheres. The relief valve must be adjusted using within the design of the spring and bolt for a pressure of 5 atmospheres, and the tap — to test for leaks.
Household autoclave
Household autoclave:
1— pallet (“stainless” s1,5), 2— glass thermometer (“stainless” s1,5), 3 — valve, 4 — cover (the stainless steel), 5 — manometer, 6 — handle cover (heat-resistant plastic, 2 piece), 7 — tap pneumatic, 8 — valve (from the camera wheel motorbike), 9 cuff (heat-resistant rubber), 10— case (“stainless steel” s4).
Pneumatic crane

Pneumatic crane:
1 — housing (STZ), 2 — screws (STZ), 3 — collar (heat-resistant rubber, 2 PCs.), 4— nut-cover (STZ), 5— driver (STZ).


Safety valve

Pressure relief valve:
1 — 0 to 5.5 steel ball (bearing), 2 — point blank-holder (STZ), 3 — compression spring 4 — housing (STZ), 5 — sealing washer 6— bolt M 16×32.


If done in strict accordance with the presented drawings, lament the autoclave is not necessary. As for canning with it, the problem here is, I think, too will not arise.
In particular, for obtaining a home stew in glass jars put meat, spices, salt, and banks roll. By placing all prepared for preservation in an autoclave (on a tray), fill tank halfway with water, screw the cap with attached pressure gauge. But in a glass half filled with oil, install the thermometer, designed for measurements up to 150°C. Then open the faucet at the top of the autoclave through the valve is pumped (by pump from a motorcycle) the air. As soon as the pressure gauge will record 2.5 bars, the pumping stops and the faucet closed. The autoclave is mounted on the plate and heated to 120°C.
For the preparation of canned pork, beef cooking time is 15 minutes, from chickens and ducks — 5-7 min. the pressure in the autoclave at the boiling should not exceed 5 atmospheres.
But the canning is finished. The autoclave is cooled. The pressure in it drops. Once the pressure gauge shows 2.5 bars, open the valve and relieve the residual pressure. A tank of the autoclave cooled to 30-40°C, open the lid, poured into water and extracted the banks with ready-made homemade stew.

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