CAR PLOWINGMotorists that have a cottage or the HOMESTEAD, in the spring together take up the shovel on par with car-free part of humanity. Meanwhile, they could avoid such wastage of own physical effort, shifting a significant part of them on your car.

Any car can be a great farmer – you just have to equip her with a few simple devices.

In recent years, great popularity among Amateur designers received a so-called motoliberty – farm units with a motorcycle engine. Well, any car is almost ready to hoist. It is enough to replace one of his rear wheels also drum – and get powerful tillage machine that can make you a significant part of agricultural work. You still need include a pair of anchors portable pulley and, of course, a plow.

Tow plow

Towed plow:

1 – stand;

2 – frame sides;

3 – field Board;

4 – slide;

5 – blade;

6 – share:

7 – borozdna wheel;

8 – field wheel;

9 – arm

The car is put far away from the treated area so that the driver’s seat was visible to the whole plot. One of the rear wheels of the car hang with a Jack and removed, and then under the rear axle of the machine to substitute for a tripod with adjustable support. The rest of the wheel is fixed, reliable pads, ensuring vehicle immobility. In the beginning of the segment, where it is supposed to plow the first furrow, establish a portable pulley, through which pass nylon or steel cable, and fixed on the frame of the plow.

Drum winch

Drum winch

Optional equipment, transforming the car to the hardworking Plowman, can be manufactured even in a home workshop. Thus, the winch drum it is possible to make the weld. Plough to autoleads better to do the type of two-wheeled horse: he holds the furrow, clipping the neighboring, previously traversed. Interesting design of the plow, developed by G. Odegova from Nizhny Tagil. This plow is designed for the formation cross section 0,25×0,25 m, weight is only 13 kg.

And another item of optional equipment, transforming the car to autolease is portable pulley anchor device designed to change the direction of the thrust vector.

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