From old books on beekeeping found out that Dadan, which are known even to a beginner beekeeper, as side and ceiling insulation in their hives used mats of straw cutting. I use mats of Chakan, which is usually cut in early winter. The result got rid of the dampness in the hive. But in the spring after the flyby of bees re-make of the case papers. Convinced that Chakan is a great insulation.

For the manufacture of mats made a simple machine — a stand of thick boards, which are embedded in two rows of eight wooden pillars with 10-mm holes at the top.

The height of the stands and the gap between rows is determined by the width and thickness, and the distance between the outermost racks in a row — the length of the required chinnogo Mat. Between the uprights is a wooden stick, a nylon cord.

Technology future work simple. On the cord along the length of the bar, I put bunches of Chakan. The first of them is a butt in one direction, and the second in the opposite, etc. Then the sheaf Chakan tightly another wood piece and pull slightly divergent stand long M10 bolts, threading them through the holes in each pair of racks.


Machine for the manufacture of mats makan

Machine for the manufacture of mats makan:

1 — base; 2 — front (8 PCs); 3 — technological block; 4—bundles of Chakan; 5 — long bolt M10.

Tied billet chinnogo Mat with nylon thread and the same thread with a large “Gypsy” needle stitch Mat obliquely from one side to the opposite, taking the previously laid cord.

Stitched Mat, without removing it from the lathe, cut with a hacksaw on the bars. Then dismantled the lathe and removed chakannyy Mat over the cord.


V. BELOV, p. E l a n s, Volgogradskaya obl.

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