GARDEN CART - FROM PAST TO FUTUREOver thirty years ago fate would have it, so I went into the house of Fyodor Nikitovich, Kuhtenko. This man’s life was not easy. The dispossession of the family of the parents in the period of collectivization, war, captivity, escape, the Soviet camp, the work of a master in a munitions factory, once again the repression and return in the defense industry. In short, learn it once, and the birthplace of required full-time commitment. Helped natural diligence and, most importantly, the talent of the master on all hands.

Fedor Nikitovich could easily collect and organize in the home VCR, the most complex machine, whether it is milling, lathe, drill, or circular saw. But about the manufacture of furniture and can not speak.

Much of what he made, preserved and still operates. I propose to your attention a seemingly simple, but very useful garden cart made from scrap materials. The basis for the truck is loading platform (box) made from scraps of boards (their thickness you choose), which is attached to the chassis, handle, carrier and tie-down rings. Wheels with bushings borrowed from a child’s Bicycle.

Going to the box with nails, screws and the corners are enhanced with metal corners. To the bottom of the box, attached (with bolts of suitable sizes) two forks for wheels from a kids bike. Naturally, wheels can be use any size, you just have to take this into account in the manufacture of forks and struts.


Garden cart Assembly

Garden cart Assembly

The view of the suspension of the wheel on the outside

View suspension wheels outside


The view of the suspension of the inside wheel

View of the suspension of the inside wheel


Mount drove to the box

Mount drove to the box


Stick carrier

Handle carrier


To do the third leg (heel) Fyodor Nikitovich was not due to the small height of the truck, although this can think of any craftsman.

Back to the cargo platform mounted carrier – the handle of the domestic floor polishers, preserved from the 60-ies of the last century. In those years, they were widely used in everyday life and in manufacturing, as high-quality parquet lacquer was in short supply, and the floors are rubbed with putty.

To the front wall of the drawer is attached to the handle of industrial containers in abundance lying on the dumps of many enterprises, but can instead attach any other convenient handle, allowing you to carry an empty cart from place to place. The perimeter walls of the loading platform suspended from small hooks and rings for tying down cargo on short distances.


Garden cart

Garden cart:


1 – box; 2 – hook for mooring of cargo (2); 3 – area of attachment of fork wheels to the box (35x170x52, steel s5, 2pcs); 4 – fork wheel (steel s5, 2pcs); 5 – ring to attach the cargo (2); 6 – led (from domestic floor polishers); 7 – additional handle; 8 – brace (steel, pipe d12); 9 – wheel; 10 – area of fastening planks (steel or duralumin, s3); 11 – brace carrier (steel tape 20×3); 12 – fixing unit has led to the drawer; 13, a bracket under the mooring ring (4 pieces); 14 – plate (steel, s3); 15 – the bottom Board of the bottom drawer

In the above drawings shows the main sizes of the truck, but that doesn’t mean that we need to do everything one to one. This is just a tip on how to quickly make anyone a simple manual means of transport.


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