What is usually stored in the pantry a good host, enthusiastically engaged in cultivating and farming vegetable crops? As a rule, a large set of various tools, among which the most common shovel, hoe, rakes, hand cultivators, weed control, and other similar accessories simple assistants to facilitate the work and help to grow a good crop of vegetables and different varieties of greens. To deliver a similar Arsenal to the garden beds and planting is required to have truck.
However, this vehicle will not require the owner of the proposed combined instrument, which has introduced its readers of the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”. His handle is equipped with a universal working head, replacing the traditional set of common gardening tools.
Combi-head. To invest multifunction capabilities in a single tool craftsmen thanks to the clever conversion of a conventional saw blade.
First of all, with him on the abrasive wheel was removed from all teeth turned light and durable disc, which served as the basis for the creation of a new garden tool.
For the beginning of the disk was cut using gas welding apparatus segment. the size is slightly smaller than the Thursday of the square drive. Cut edges are sharpened: it turned a kind of corner knife. And on the opposite side obliquely deleted the second segment, and this edge sliced a number of large teeth with internal sharpening a blade. The remaining part of the disk is also imprisoned — turned curved knife.
It remains to manufacture the fixing part is a kind of bracket that would allow you to connect the working head with the handle, but not firmly, and the hinge designed to work with all the resulting sides of the head. This required sub dial smaller (softer metal), where the Central hole is welded on nut and on both sides of two metal angle eye bolt and wing nut (for attaching a handle).
Fig. 1. Combo garden tool:
1 — universal work head (A curved disk knife B corner knife — subleva part); 2 — auxiliary drive — shaft bracket; 3 — a nut of fastening of the holder; 4 — hole for mounting a handle; 5 — wing nut; 6 — handle; 7 — a bolt for fixing a handle; 8,9 — screw and washer bracket stem
Fig. 2. The tool in the position of “chopper”
The handle itself is normal, as for shovels or rakes. To connect with the working head of horses may be cut just under the gap between the ears of bracket or additional banded sheet to not wear out from frequent changes in connection with the mode change.
Functional application. The resulting tool can be one used for the production of a variety of work which would require a whole Arsenal of traditional support instruments. Let’s review some of its possible applications.
In the perpendicular position of the disc relative to the shaft (Fig.2) you can run all. what is characteristic of conventional arc or chopper, for example, to loosen the soil, to do it in holes, grooves. This enables the side of the tool, which is a curved knife.
Without changing the position of the handle, but turning the drive down teeth (Fig.4), it is possible to work as a rake, breaking up clods of newly dug earth or releasing it from the opened roots of weeds; forming grooves for sowing seeds; to get the old foliage or autumn leaves, fallen from the trees in the garden; finally, clear the cracks of the paved or tiled walkways in the area from sprouting of vegetation (Fig.5).
Fig. 3. Function cultivator: weed cutting curved knife
Fig. 4. The role of the rake of the toothed part of the drive
Fig. 5. Sweep cracks tile paths from weeds
If you put the handle in the downward position, after “releasing” the wing nut and then re-tightening it, turn the tool in your hand cultivator: the disk will slide flat on the ground, cutting off the weeds with its sharp edge, curved knife. “Throwing” the handle to the opposite side, will get the opportunity to “attack” even weeds or weed stems of the bushes with a knife angular, sharply feeding it forward.
Thus, as we see, can be involved all parts and parties of a combined instrument capable of performing almost any traditional work in the garden and similar in the garden.
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