Take, for example, early preparation for the sowing associated, as a rule, delivery to the site of a variety of goods. On the field (and it is located two kilometers from the house) is covered in snow, and on urban trails and thawed the day the asphalt is already flowing streams…
However, for sleds ATVs spring the abyss — not a hindrance. Snow ice regular metal runners slide like skating on the Olympic rink, and when dealing with thawed soil they successfully replaced a pair of uniaxial wheels — sled transformed into a convenient handcart.
A similar situation occurs sometimes in late autumn, during transportation of the crop. At the powdered snow and cold the way the truck is used in a “base” version, and where there is no snow, as reinforced metal skids wheelbarrow with a single axle pair of wheels.
If necessary, loaded vezdekhod can be transported in public transport, preferably in a vertical position. For this you need stronger pretrazivati the cargo to the wooden flooring and folding back the back-limiter, which is used here as additional support and as a kind of metallic clip-frame.

Sleds-all-terrain vehicles when used in a “Luge” option (a) and as transforming comfortable cars (b):
1 — the base sled with a cropped rear skids; 2 — uniaxial pair of wheels (from discarded farm machinery or old bags); the clamps and the screws securing the axle to the rear rack of the sled, as well as movable pins and anti-friction washers on the ends of the axis is not shown
To give the above-mentioned conventional sledges all terrain quality can anyone (even a beginner) homebrew. Just enough to cut the rails to the rear racks, which account for the bulk of the load, and securely fasten (e.g., with clamps or welded) these stands wheelset axles. The last Assembly with wheels, it is desirable to take ready-made from shopping bags, strollers, or children’s bikes.
But you can make the required structural node independently, in any home workshop. The diameter of the seats, the wheels should be 2-3 mm smaller than the diameter of the axis on the plot from one rack to another. It is necessary to provide also the holes for the cotter pins for fastening of the wheels themselves.
The attachment of the axis must be selected so that the wheels at least 20 mm retreated from the runners and the same amount (or more) defended from the “toe” in the transformation of the sleds in the car (at the ideal angle 40 — 50° to the horizon).
Detail design will depend on your circumstances and technical possibilities and available material resources. What is important is the principle of refinement of the sled in a versatile and comfortable vehicle that is equally suitable for use at any time of the year.
S. LEVCHENKO, St. Petersburg