DO NOT HAND - COCKOne who has built a residential building, cottage or garden house, knows how difficult and difficult to assemble the Foundation, walls, floors and other structural elements. To move the blocks on the Foundation at several meters to the side of the construction site and lowered them into the trench, it requires the effort of many workers — skilled teams. But you can when performing these works to do one transportable lifting device.
Today we tell about a light construction crane intended for use in the repair of houses in rural areas and in the construction of the house in the garden. With such a cantilever crane to transfer the cargo to a distance of 3 m, raised to a height of 2 m and lowered to a depth of 2.5 m. the Mechanism should not rely on the installation of structures weighing up to 300 kg.
The crane consists of a horizontal beam — arrows (it moves the crane trolley) and vertical support pillars made of steel pipes, which are attached horizontal beams. The crane is collapsible, allowing you to move it from place to place.
Fig. 1. Lightweight construction crane.
Fig. 1. Lightweight construction crane:
1 — unit, 2 — jib crane, 3 — trolley, 4 — strut, 5 — twin parts, 6 blocks boom foot, 7 — I-beam, 8 struts, 9 — hoist movement of the crane truck, 10 — truck frame, 11 — winch hoist, 12 — electric-driven winch, 13 — area of the rack 14, 15 — bolts M16, 16 — lifting hook Assembly to the block.
A few words about the structure of the stands. They are made of pipe Ø 140 mm. Height can be increased to 3 m with telescopic incoming pipes. To stand not to fall into the ground, welded to the base angles. To the top supports are welded to the horizontal beam or two joined together area 100Х65Х10 mm. her bottom is mounted on four horizontal guide bolts — I-beam № 20 having dimensions 200Х100Х5,2 mm, length 3000 mm, which moves the crane trolley.
The second pair of supports for the rail consists of two vertical pipes connected at the top and bottom. For greater resistance welded two inclined supports, connects, in turn, stand with a rectangular frame. The latter prevents the overturning of the crane, as it serves as the basis for laying sandbags or concrete blocks.
An important feature of cantilever crane — control of it. To those who will build and operate, you need to know: the crane has a lifting and mobile device. If necessary, any part can be lowered below zero (in the pit or trench). The whole system of ropes and blocks, the lifting device is driven by an electric motor. The trolley is moved with a manual winch with cable. One end of its fixed CA truck, then through the unit the cable approaches the drum makes five turns and again passed through blocks at the base of the m at the end of the boom, fixed on crane trolley.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the mechanism of lifting and moving cargo.
Fig. 2. Scheme of the lifting mechanism and move the load:
1 — unit end of the boom, 2 — stud attaching the rope to the crane truck, 3 — blocks to the base of the arm mechanism for moving the crane truck, 4 — wire, moving crane truck, 5 — reel, 6 — winch lifting mechanism, 7 — the base block of the boom lifting mechanism, 8 — blocks crane truck, 9 — hook block, 10 — knot of fastening of a lifting cable.

Hook climbs a rope, fixed at one end to the winch and passing sequentially the blocks from warping, boom and crane trucks; then the rope is lowered down and forms a loop to which the hanging unit with a hook, and through the block trolley is attached to the end of the boom.
For the lifting device drive can be carried on a conventional hand winch of the crane complete autonomy.
Before you begin, you should carefully check the strength of nodes and supports. To stand under the boom is not allowed — this is a basic rule of safety on any construction site.
V. STRASHNOV, architect

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