WHEELS ON ORDERMembers involved in automodelismo, sometimes have great difficulty when I need to make wheels for model kits of cars, rollers for tanks and tractors. At our station of young technicians of the Sverdlovsk district of Irkutsk city developed not too complicated production technology of any wheels with a fairly high degree of copy number.
With this technology students starting from the age of twelve doing rollers and wheels using the most common materials: plywood, chipboard, tin. And the best results are obtained by the use of birch plywood with a thickness of about 10 mm.
“Tires” wheels guys are machined on a lathe from plywood in accordance with the shape and size of the tyres of the vehicle prototype. The wheel rim is cut from a sheet thickness of 0.2…0.5 mm. the Width of the strips equal to the thickness of the “tire”, length — circumference of its inner diameter. The strip is bent into a ring, inserted into a plywood billet and tightly fixed with the help of a mandrel. Next, a hammer with a spherical head and a rim flare for the bus, and then remove mandrel, install the wheels and solder them to the rim.
For the manufacture of disks it is necessary to make a stamp, which consists of the punch and matrix, ejector and guide rod. Round blank disc is cut from sheet metal thicker than the sheet that went to the rim. Previously it drills the hole for the guide rod. Stamping disc www.koleso-russia.ru/catalog/wheels/replica/ produced by heavy hammer blows. The shape and dimensions of the stamp are selected depending on the shape of the disk. The punch is machined to accurately form the future details, and matrix is better to make the team, of washers or rings.
The sequence of manufacturing of the wheel.
The sequence of construction of the wheel:
1 — plywood (or hardwood) tire, 2 — tab, tin rim and a wooden mandrel, 3 — flaring rim, 4 — sealing disc, 5 — sealing disc of a different shape.
Tooling to manufacture the discs.
Tooling to manufacture the discs:
1 — punch, 2 — matrix, 3 — ejector, 4 — guide stud.
N. PARKHOMENKO, head of the self-similar mug

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