HOME TRAVELLERWhat tents are not released industry! Single and multi, winter and summer, canvas and nylon… nevertheless, tourists continue to actively develop and produce their own versions. And this is understandable: after all, a good, comfortable tent will not only protect from the weather, but also allow you to fully relax, to rejuvenate after a hard day transition.
Get started designing your camping “house”, I proceeded from the principle of “maximum comfort with minimum weight”. In the tent without disturbing each other, are two people; a waterproof awning is not afraid of the rain; the ground with a set of racks and pegs does not exceed 2 kg.
For use of tent in different climatic zones it is made of double — consists of an awning and inner tent. Two separate entrance provide added convenience. The use of tubes can be recommended for mountain and ski tours: being tied, the tube affords good protection against clogging of the tent with snow. In forested areas it is possible to do entrance is a large plastic “zip” in the form of an inverted letter T.
Fig. 1. Tent/
Fig. 1. Tent:
1 — pad (2 PCs), 2 — front (2 PCs), 3 — ring (2 PCs.), 4 — clip (2 PCs), 5 — tape, nylon, 6 — inner tent, 7 tent, 8 — a fastener “lightning” (2 pieces), 9 — loop cover (10 PCs.).
For sewing I used only nylon materials with low weight have good mechanical characteristics, does not rot, is well painted. But can be applied to ordinary cotton fabrics; however, the condition “…with minimum weight,” in this case will not be able to withstand. Inner tent material — thin parachute nylon; gender made in the form of a trough fabric such as “Bologna”; the tent used calendered nylon, or nylon Bologna from the brake parachute (the good “army” products are now in the sale).
Fig. 2. The pattern of the tent.
Fig. 2. The pattern of the awning.
Fig. 3. The inner tent.
Fig. 3. Inner tent:
1 — bottom, 2 — loop (10 PCs), 3 — tube (2 PCs.), 4 — cord (2 pieces).
The edges of nylon blanks fell, cutting is convenient to make a hot soldering iron (with a sharpened tip), a metal bar. It is necessary to give the seam — 20 mm (in the drawings the dimensions without allowances). Panels are joined with a double seam. To strengthen them stitched nylon tape with a width of 10 mm. these ribbons are made of wire and loops for pegs. It is a kind of power structure.
In the event of an awning of cotton cloth or parachute Capronum it is necessary to impregnate any water-repellent composition. For example, you can use the so-called “bodvel” film from the broken automobile glass “triplex”, dissolve it in solvent No. 647 in the ratio of 90 to 100 g per liter. Impregnation must be performed outdoors, in the warm season. The composition is applied to the stretched fabric brush; seams promazyvaetsya with two sides. When the air temperature is 20°C, the composition dries in 20 min. the Awning should soak 3 times. By the way, it is possible to combine the operation of impregnation staining. For this you need to add to solution “Botswana” oil paint.
Technology setup the tent differs from the accepted. At first on two pillars stretched an awning, and then over the rings sewn to the inner side of the ridge tent, nylon guys is hung from the inner tent. This solution allows to reduce the installation time, which is especially important in bad weather.
Based on this tent, it is possible to make various modifications, for example, triple option — it is only necessary to increase the width of the inner tent and awning 500 mm. And you can make a combination of: inner tent for two, and awning triple — get a big platform where you can place things or to prepare food on a kerosene stove.

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