Every time the whole family going on vacation, my task is to check the status of our bikes. As a rule, all the nodes are in order except for the tyres: they require periodic pumping. Here is sometimes hard, and much time is spent on it. It was necessary to invent a device that would replace the pump. Its main components were borrowed from me… homemade siphon for aerating the water. The operation of the device is very simple. Carbon dioxide gets inside, it evaporates, creating a pressure that the tires necessary.
General view of the device shown in the figure. It consists of a housing 1, which is inserted into the balloon 2 with carbon dioxide, cap 3 which includes a needle 4 to pierce the tube spray. The housing is screwed onto the hose 5 of velencoso. Tightness of connections is achieved through rubber strips 6 and 7.
Housing and cover are machined on a lathe from steel. In the lid drill two holes: 2.5 mm diameter to a depth of 3 mm for thread M3 — installation of the needle and a diameter of 4.2 mm at a depth of 6 mm for thread M5 for installation of the hose from velencoso. The housing and lid are welded two plates 8 and 9 ribs for easy tightening.