What additional parts are recommended to install on the bike

What additional parts are recommended to install on the bikeThe purchase of a Bicycle is a great idea. The bike trip that would depend a great support the body and good mood. The standard set is often not enough for comfortable and safe drive, so it is recommended to install additional accessories. Some of them are vital, others are simply recommended.


This article was prepared in cooperation with the Internet Bicycle shop in Kiev lovelo. If You only plan on buying a new bike, but don’t know where better to do it, then be sure to visit their website at online http://lovelo.com.ua/. By the way, delivery is made throughout Ukraine, and unimportant to a city to do the ordering of goods. But now let’s talk first about vital accessories that need to be purchased certainly, immediately after buying the bike. So, the speech is about the following things:

  • Pump, tools and repair kit for cameras
  • Red reflector need to attach back, white front and orange on the spokes
  • Correctly matched saddle
  • Call
  • Bicycle helmet


Not obligatory accessories for the bike:

  • A good headlight in the front, and a bright red light rear
  • Castle
  • Bike computer
  • Sunglasses
  • Special clothing
  • The trunk, welocome sides
  • Holder with flask for water
  • Welaptega
  • Step


The safety and comfortable drive, the first category of supplements to buy for a new bike is highly recommended. If you, dear reader, have a driver’s license, you know how important is the presence of reflectors (reflectors) on any vehicle that is on the road. The day they do not play any role, but in the dark they geervani!


Bicycle saddle you need to choose for yourself and not follow the standard. This is especially true of boys and men. Scientists say that poor quality or not the right saddle can cause male diseases. The fact is that during the long drive circulation deteriorates significantly, and this is the ground for sexual disorders.


Another important component of safe Cycling is a helmet. The shape of the helmet is quite specific, as the mind of a Martian. The rear part of the helmet is made sharp, and not flat. All this in order that if you fall on the ass, the blow is distributed over the entire area of the helmet was not dot. If you ride your bike more or less often, be sure to buy a helmet. Others, not compulsory add-ons recommended, but not required. I probably don’t need to describe what they are, after all, the names speak for themselves.

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