A MODEL ROCKET CLASS S6A OF KARELIAOver the past 3 — 4 years in the lists of winners of major Russian competitions in sport flying are increasingly common names “rocket scientists” of the Republic of Karelia. So, on superiority of Russia among older students, the 2008 champion in the class S6A became the student of Petrozavodsk Ilya Drats. And team the victory it celebrated, too, “the rocketeer” Karelia, which was represented by pupils of school № 45. Even in the same class S3A, they were third in the overall standings in fourth place, behind the team of Belgorod and Moscow regions and the Krasnodar territory.
In the successful performance of rocketmodeler Karelia is the merit of the teacher of additional education of school No. 45 of Petrozavodsk Oleg Mikhailovich Goldshire. His enthusiasm energizes children for good deeds and success. I communicate with him as a colleague and see his genuine interest in everything new that appears in the rocket modeling to use the original developments in the classroom with members of the group.
The proposed model missiles S6A simple enough in manufacturing. I hope that it will interest those who seek the winning vertices in the flying sports.
The basic material for the model — insulating “sandwich” of fiberglass and capacitor paper used in electrical and radio engineering.
Fairing — conical shape with a length of 108 mm. the skirt (connective) is cylindrical, with a length of 24 mm, glued on a mandrel with a diameter of 39.2 mm. glued With the ends of two frame thickness 1.5 and 3 mm. From the thicker frame on the epoxy pushed the cone fairing, and to it is fastened the thread of the suspension with rubber-shock absorber.
Body — length 295 mm — glued on a mandrel with a diameter of 39.8 mm, width of the seam in this case is 1.5 — 2 mm. In the lower part of the body fixed tail unit consisting of two elements: a cone with a length of 100 mm and motor — with a length of 27 mm and a diameter of 10.3 mm. And the motor element is glued into the cone for a length of 13 mm. Caudal block fastened inside the case, pre-making the circumference small slots. The width of the belt inserts — 4 mm.
Stabilizers (three of them) are made of balsa laminates of thickness 1.4 mm, shaped, attached at the butt to the tail block. In the place of fastening of one of them glued retainer MRO (cut steel wire with a diameter 0.6 mm) and the thread suspension rescue system — the brake band.
Streamer (brake band) — sizes 130×125 mm — cut from printing Dacron with a thickness of 0.03 mm, blow — accordion with a pitch of 25 — 27 mm.
The mass of the model without MRO and the brake band is 7.5 g.
A model rocket class S6A winner of the championship of Russia 2008 Ilya Draca (Karelia)
A model rocket class S6A winner of the championship of Russia 2008 Ilya Draca (Karelia)
1 — fairing; 2 — connecting ring; 3 — skirt fairing; 4 — bottom frame; 5 — thread suspension; 6 — brake tape (streamer); 7 — housing; 8 — wad; 9 — tail cone; 10 — stabilizer; 11 — locking of MRO.

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