This idea found enthusiastic support of the FAI, which made the competition a massive and interesting. In addition, the duration of the tournament coincided with the remarkable date — the 50th anniversary since the launch of Sputnik I, And on this day — 4 October 2006 the participants made an excursion to the launch pad of the spaceport, visited the famous Gagarin’s start. Impressions — unforgettable. In all this is a lot of preparatory work and attention of a city administration of Baikonur, headed by Alexander F. by Mezentseva.
Work weekdays of the championship was preceded by a Grand opening celebration, held at the stadium “Decade”. About eight thousand spectators filled the stands. On behalf of the FAI participants and guests were welcomed by the representative of SIAM (aeromodelling Commission of the FAI). Sandy Pimenoff (Finland), the backup crew of spacecraft “Soyuz-TMA”. Ended opening a great theatrical performance. Teams from 14 countries took part in the 1st Asian open championship. They competed in two age groups: youths (under 18) and adults. Microcomedone championship was played in five categories of model rocket S4, S6, S7, S8 and S9.
Category raketoplana (class Ѕ4А). Among adults a landslide victory here was won by Vladimir Menshikov (Russia), scored 532 points out of 540 possible. Second place — Nikolay Tsyganov (Russia) — 497 points, and the third — Lungusa Rahmatulaev (Kazakhstan) — 461 points.
Help “M-K”. Vladimir Menshikov — living and working in Urai, Tyumen region. Profession — pilot. More than 30 years flying helicopters. Excellence in air transport. After retirement, he devoted himself to the work with children as a teacher at aviation sports-the technical centre. One of the most renowned in the world of rocketmodeler: multiple world champion, honored master of sports, honored coach of Russia. Successfully conveys the experience of youth.
Among youth without loss “was” for all three rounds Alexander mokan (Russia) — 540 points. He became a champion. Second prize winner — Vladislav Drozdov (Russia) — 502 points, and the third is Vladimir Kiselev (Russia) — 439 points.
Help “M-K”. Alexander mokan born in 1995, is studying in 6th class 463-th Moscow school. The rocket modeling deals with two years, wants to build a real rocket, he likes computer games. Coach — V. N.Ukrainians, teacher DUCK “Union”.
Of sports “shells”, presented at this championship in the class Ѕ4А, a clear advantage was raketoplana “Moscow” scheme — folding wing rotation along the fuselage to start. About ten participants started with the models of container-type “flying wing” that conforms to run in the container (carrier). The full benefit of this design is revealed at the start of raketoplana boys. All three winners made models of so-called “khokhlovskaya” scheme (drawings and description of this model, published in No. 1 of “M-K” for 2008).
During the starts models with the tape (class Ѕ6А) the weather was far from perfect — the temperature was about 5 degrees, wind speed 5 — 7 m/s in boys the lead in the first round seized Vladislav Drozdov (Russia) — his best-flight — 2 min 5 s. After the second round he’s a bit passed their position, showing in the third and final round just 1 min 29 s. In the end, he scored only 286 points out of 540 possible, but it would give him the first place. The second — Anna Golikova (Kazakhstan) — 264 points, third — Vladimir Kiselev (Russia) — 252 points.
Help “M-K”. Vladislav Drozdov — student of the 5th class 463-th school in Moscow. The rocket modeling deals two years in a children’s aerospace club “Soyuz”. Is the winner of the national competition, winner of the world Cup. Teacher — V. N.Ukrainians.
In the class of models with tape (Ѕ6А) in adult athletes only in the first round was reached two maximum — 180 with showed it to Victor Bakulev (Kazakhstan) and Denis Khmil (Ukraine). In the future, this result could not be beat by anyone. In the end, the best amount (although only 352 points out of 540 possible) — the Kazakh athlete. He became the winner of the Second place — Ukrainian athlete, and the third — Igor shmatova (Russia).
Help “M-K”. Victor Bakulev — teacher of the International space school. V. M. Chelomey. It was his first big success at competitions of such level, although it has rich experience in modeling.
In adult athletes started in class models rotachute (Ѕ9А), in the first round was shown, too, two “high” (180 ). And there were only eight For competitions of such rank it a little And five of them were the winners In the end, the best result of Denis Pridannikov (Ukraine) — 451 points. He’s a winner. Only two points he lost to Michael Perevalov (Russia) — 449 points and the third place — Igor shmatova (Russia) — 407 points.
Help “M-K”. Denis Pridannikov — 33 years, master of sports. The rocket modeling deals with more than 20 years. Works as the head of the circle of young technicians station of Nizhyn, Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. Multiple winner of the world Cup. Coach — Vladimir Panache.
Speaking of sports “shells” winners of this class of models (Ѕ9А), it should be noted the aircraft of the Ukrainian athlete is Quite simple design the rotor is three-bladed with swept blades, the angle of the “V” of the consoles is about 5 degrees Media is made of fiberglass. The mass of the model without MRO about 17 g (drawings will be published in subsequent numbers of our journal).
Among young men in the class of rotochutes were great Moscow student Kirill Strokov. He alone had shown the maximum score is 540 points, far ahead of its competitors, took Second place Sungat Sakipov (Kazakhstan) is 389 points, third in Aydar Enikeeva (Russia) — 366.
Help “M-K”. Kirill Strokov — born in 1995. The rocket modeling involved two years under the guidance of a teacher V. Khokhlova in DUCK “Union”. Studying in the sixth class, winner of Russian competitions.
Making models of participants-young men of this class, I want to mention the simplicity of their structures, availability of Construction material for rotors — balsa thickness 2.5 — 3 mm, the diameter of the sweeping surface is about 700 mm.
In competitions of radio-controlled raketoplana (S8E/p) in adults convincing victory this time was gained by Alexander Kravchenko (Russia) — one of the most experienced our rocketmodeler. Knowing Alexander for many years, I want to acknowledge his hard work and excellent preparation to the competition — the creation of two new sports “shells”-raketoplana with good aerodynamics. Starts his models were immaculate. Effect of the large flying practice. Of the three major tours, two he finished with the highest score (1000 points) “Maximum” Alexander received and in the final, and as a result — deserved gold medal. Silver to the Chinese athlete Guo Lei, and bronze — Gregory Sergienko (Russia).
Help “M-K”. Alexander Kravchenko lives and works in Chelyabinsk, the master of sports of the international class, the numerous winner of many Russian and international competitions. Olympic champion in air sports (ikariady) 1997 in Turkey.
A total of eight “radio operators” came out at the start in the youth age group is Not the maximum, but stable flying your rocket held a Nikolay Pavlov (Russia), scored in three rounds, 545 points out of a possible 1080. But this amount he needed to win. In second place — Liu La Huang (China) — 524 points and the third — Aydar Enikeev (Russia) — 470 points.
Help “M-K”. Mykola Pavlov is born in 1992. Lives and studies in Nizhnekamsk, rocket modeling practices six years at the club of young technicians from coach Alexander Rossiia. Winner and prize-winner of superiority of Russia, candidate to master of sports.
Summing up the performance of boys in the class redirectable, I want to mention their lack of aerobatic training. This is particularly evident at the start of the model and in flight on the active site with running MRO.
Completed working days of the competitions the competitions models-copies to the realism of flight (S7). In the youth age classifications stated only ten participants. After bench evaluation best sum of points was Aivar Enikeev (Russia). A copy of the rocket “Arian-ЛО1” the jury was estimated at 632 points. Just ten points behind leader Laul Zinedinov (Uzbekistan), speaking also with a model of rocket “Ariane-ЛО1”.
Runs copies did not shake the positions of the leaders. Having a good flight is a three-stage version, scored 81 points, the model of the Aydar Enikeeva brought him the victory in this class and the champion’s medal. The total amount of 813 points (632 — “stand” and 181 — flight). Second place, Lowly Zaledeneli — 782 points (622 — stand and a 160 — flight). Third place was taken by Vladimir Sidelnikov (Kazakhstan) — 668 points (593 — stand, 75 — flight).
Help “M-K”. Aidar Enikeev — rocketmodeler from Nizhnekamsk. Despite his 15 years, has a rich experience of participation in many competitions, both Russian and international. Not once was a winner and the winner. Sports leadership is improving under the guidance of coach Alexander Rossiia.
Speaking about the models of the S7 category, presented by the young men, I want to note only copies of the first two winners. And model from Uzbekistan, in my opinion, more promising. It is made in smaller scale than the winner, and therefore has a larger size. The drawbacks of little detail to scale the location of the MRO, not enough tested the program flight demonstrations. Disappointing prize is very simple copy missiles “meteor-1”. In my opinion, the score for “stand” — 600 points — very high. Because the prototype is quite primitive and outer elements there.
Among the 16 models, as stated in the adult age group, bench lead after the evaluation captured Denis Khmil (Ukraine). His copy of the rocket “Saturn-1B”, the jury was estimated at 764 points. In my opinion, it’s worth it — looked “fresh” all the others. Almost 100 points behind the leader copies the rocket “Arian-Л01” submitted by the Russian athletes Vladimir Menshikov and Mikhail Perevalova. Their estimates, respectively, 670 and 664 points. And the gap to the leader in the “stand” for 100 points is not really allowed to be the first either one of them.
This was confirmed by the launches. Flight miniature “Saturn-1” the Ukrainian athlete in the three-stage version of the judge was estimated at 183 points. Typing in the end points 947, Denis Khmil became the champion. It is a great success for the young “rocket”. Russian athletes V. Menshikov and M. Perevalov demonstrated their “duty” flights in the three “working” the steps, the judges evaluated at 176 and 178 points. Typing in the result, respectively, 846 and 842 points, they took second and third place in the standings.
Help “M-K”. Denis Khmil — 20 years. Student at Nizhyn state University, rocket modeling deals with ten years. The victory at these competitions — the first success at the international level. Coaches — Denis Pridannikov and Vladimir Panache.
Making a review of models presented to the “court” of the international jury, I want to mention that the new is not among them. In the Russian team all the same, so identical is a copy of rocket “Ariane-ЛО1”, which is already not perceived by the judges and therefore, not eligible for high scores in bench evaluation. And this is the defining factor.
Five models of “Arian” was announced to participate. Two of them are from Uzbekistan. Unlike other bigger size. It makes a good impression when flying to the judges and the audience. Talking about this their assessment — 156 — 160 points. But they have lame quality. But after studying the detail, study of outdoor elements and adding accuracy, their manufacturers can actually claim a leading position in the category of S7.
I want to draw attention to some “dominance” copies missiles “Tomahawk Tauras”. There were four of them. I must admit that the shape of this missile are more suitable for competition in the category of high-rise models — S5. After all, even with a good trap score (about 620 — 640 points), flight demonstration, they get about 110 points. It’s a little, due to the appointment of the prototype — a small number of special effects.
Many years debated among experts, the question of increasing the number of points per flight. Today is maximum 250. And very often the winner is determined after a “bench” where you can earn 850 points. And reducing this difference by making flight rating weight (increasing it to 450 — 500 points), you can make the starts models more spectacular. It’s one of the most attractive categories in the rocket modeling.
The closing ceremony and the opening was held at the city stadium “Decade” and, of course, with many spectators race Director Dmitry Shatalov announced the results of a team fight (prizes and diplomas in the individual competition were awarded on the spot starts). Both Cup for the victory boys and adults the head of administration of Baikonur Alexander F. Mezentsev handed rakatomalala the Russian team. And the Cup in the team event — also have them. And for the second and third place prizes awarded, respectively, the “rocket scientists” of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.