ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF MASTERSIn the “M-K” № 5 for 1988 was placed the story about the interesting experience of meeting the demand of young athletes to modelistica products. The Taganrog plant Priboy began issuing the namesake of the sets of semi-finished products for the construction of the cord racing car. And the development of micromachines have been carried out by gorsyut.
Two years have passed. Judging by the letters from our readers new products became scarce. Sets propagate through the system to ensure DOSAAF, and because of popurationale local committees a mug is simply unfamiliar with the models of “Surf”.
In order to get a little help solving the problem, we publish a description of the developed in Taganrog in the box. Athletes and students will be able to reproduce a similar technique on their own.
Model “Surf” can be built in two versions: for performances in the class E1 (cubic capacity of engine up to 1.5 cm3) and class E2 (up to 2.5 cm3). Tested in “combat” conditions in the competition of athletes-students in the 1987-1989 model home has shown very good results. So, in class E1 with engine MK-17, the machine runs at a speed of 115 km/h and with CSTOM-1,5 — 150 km/h. In the heavier class and above: 160 km/h with the engine KMD-2,5 and up to 190 km/h with CSTOM-2,5 KRAS.
All the basic components of the model are mounted on a body cast from aluminum alloy. If necessary, this detail can be milled from a piece of aluminum dimensions 20X40X400 mm Billet of a set requires much less processing. This podrezenok cavities facilitate the implementation of the belts on the perimeter of the body for interfacing with the fairing, removing extra thickness, making nests for fastening of units and sanding, polishing finished parts using files, needle files and emery paper of different grits.
Fig. 1 control line racing model class E-1 and E-2. In parentheses are the sizes corresponding to the version of the model of class E-2.
Fig. 1 control line racing model class E-1 and E-2. In parentheses are the sizes corresponding to the version of the model of class E-2.
Fairing is performed only after a complete racing machine. First of all, from the bar of soft wood (basswood or alder), clay or plaster make a CD, the size and shape corresponding to the body of the model taking into account the thickness of the walls of the fairing. The surface of the blanks after a careful polishing is coated with paraffin, soap, etc. the line that creates the separation layer. Placed on top layers of fabric impregnated with the adhesive composition-binder (bakelite adhesive, parquet varnish, polyester resin). After complete drying of the Radome is removed from the blanks and are treated carefully. The finished cone should be well adjusted to the belt housing and polished. It then drilled holes for drainage and filling tube of a fuel tank, for the approach to the screw position adjustment kontrpartiya and needle carburetor; propisyvayutsya grooves for stopping fixtures and Windows for engine cooling. But best of all is that all of these holes to be postponed until the time when mark will be already mounted on the model nodes. In the future, the fairing surface is prepared for painting, drawing Board rooms, and the labels in accordance with the rules of competition.
Attention requires work on the chassis parts, and especially the manufacture and Assembly of the gearbox. The main goal is to achieve a minimum level of mechanical losses in transmission. After the final Assembly site is run-in bevel gears and the rear axle by an electric motor, the electric drill or lathe. Run-in the gearbox when turning by hand should rotate easily, without the slightest sign of binding or increased friction.
Fig. 2. Reducer.
Fig. 2. Gear:
1 — pin, 2 — sleeve, 3 — housing, 4 — clip, 5 — spacer, 6 — locking screw, 7 — shaft-gear 8 — bearing, 9 — distance bushing 10 — retaining bolt, 11 d — pad.
Fig. 3. Rear axle.
Fig. 3. Rear axle:
1 — driving wheel, 2 — sleeve, 3 — axis, 4 — nut, 5 — bevel gear, 6 — pin, 7,8 — pins.
Fig. 4. Flywheel.
Fig. 4. Flywheel.
Fig. 5. The articulation of the engine flywheel and gearbox.
Fig. 5. The articulation of the engine flywheel and gearbox.
The flywheel is machined from steel to fit the seats on the return part (split cone) pre-selected engine. In the end the flywheel is quenched to increase resistance to wear articulation with the leading node of the rear axle.
The manufacture of wheels from billet set any difficulties is not. Final machining on lathe and drilling machines are easy to do using a prepared conductor and the mandrel. Similar devices are used by independent fabrication racing model.
Fig. 6. Wheels (left — front).
Fig. 6. Wheels (left — front).
Fig. 7. Boring bearing housings in the front wheel hub on a lathe with the mandrel.
Fig. 7. Boring bearing housings in the front wheel hub on a lathe using the mandrel.
Front suspension model with a very small track and suspension fork. A cushioning system based on steel spring or rubber element supported by a further shoulder of the fork carrying the front wheels.
Fig. 8. Diagram front suspension.
Fig. 8. Diagram of front suspension:
1 — fork, 2 — axis swing, 3 — spring, 4 — axle, 5 — screw, 6 — wheel.
Fig. 9. A stopping device.
Fig. 9. Stopping device:
1 — front, 2 — arm, 3 — stock, 4 — pin, 5 — spring, 6 — screw.
Offered in a set of blanks for stopping fixtures, pureimage supply hose, allow to create simple and reliable device. Ready device need to check the clarity of the operation and on the life of the hose. If necessary, make adjustments to the hose remained intact even after repeated perezhimaya. On a homemade machine is a device, of course, may have any circuit, selected as from the terms reliability and simplicity and affordability of manufacturing.

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