The tail is a nylon tape with a Width of 70 mm and a length of 6 m. For its fixing to the tail carabiner of aluminum wire 0 2mm bend curly bracket. Strong arms to do anything — when the toe bends and snakes aluminum loses only the tail, but does not break.
Lifelines of nylon fishing line. The main requirement to them — strength: everyone needs to endure at least 5 kgs. Lifelines are attached to the bridle with carbines, their free ends are connected by jumper length 1.6 m, the ends of which the handles must be mounted UPRAVLINNYA — cuts dural pipes Ø 12-15mm and a length of 70-80 mm.
At the first runs, don’t forget that “Acrobat” sensitive literally .every movement of the handles.
To learn control of the kite and to learn the first maneuvers best at a wind speed of 5-10 m/s. Stretch of rail on the ground, in the wind, connect them to the bridle attach to the main spar of the tail. The assistant lifts the phone up to shoulder level and holds it for the Central spring. The pilot throws the jumper in the back, picks up the control knobs, pulls up the thread and gives the command to start. The assistant lets go of the kite a little push upward.
Up in the sky, he should smoothly. gradually picking up speed. The deviations from his course, even minor ones, need to respond fast, but blurred movements of the knobs. After the climb, install “Acrobat” strictly downwind and note the location of the handles. If they are not on the same level, after planting be sure to cut one of the rails.
Control of the aerobatic kite is not too difficult. If you pull, for example, the right guard rails, “Acrobat” begins to turn to the right, stand up to re-align the control knobs as it will fly straight in the direction that he was asked.
Loops are also tension of one of the rails. Starting to make a loop, not even a pen as long as the snakes don’t come out of the dive and begins to climb. After making several loops in one side, expand it and do the same in the other direction, thereby to unwind Leer. Try to keep loop were round, and used their performance to automaticity. Try it in certain phases shattering to include straight flight, it will make the loop “square”, “triangle” or “hexagon”.
With aerobatic kites can hold competitions in two types — driving, and aerial combat. For these contests will need area 100X100 m.
Here are the basic rules.
To participate in the competition but in aerobatics, the athlete may use no more than two kites.
Length of rails — 70 m. the Participant is allowed three transcripts of the flight, and each of them in two attempts. Count one flight, in which the serpent rose to an altitude of over 25 m. the Attempt is considered to be used in the case when for a judge declared a three-minute working time the kite fly has not begun. The three-minute duration of working time shall be calculated from the time the start.
To perform a flight program participant will be given 10 minutes, including the time spent on the takeoff and landing (start from the moment of takeoff). Throughout the flight, the participant may attempt to execute any figure only once. Shape or group of shapes are not evaluated if the athlete, managing a serpent, broke the sequence of program execution did not finish shape from the expired ten-minute flight. If a kite when performing the figure touched the ground, then this and subsequent figures are not counted. If in flight there was отделеш1е any items from serpent, the result of the flight will be cancelled.
In the distribution of transcripts of seats takes into account the amount of points scored by the athlete in a best two of three flights. In case of equality of marks from the first two participants, the winner is determined by the sum of three flights. A set of figures drawn up by the judges before the competition and be announced to the participants two hours before the draw for the first round.
The competition in every aerial battle involving two of the crew. In the failure of one snake is allowed to use in one battle, no more than two spare kites. The goal of air combat is to set the maximum number of points for the visual intersection of the tail of the snake enemy and the time its th kite in the air. Do not install devices to naneseniya damage a snake of the enemy.
The pilot cannot go out during the battle from a circle with a diameter of 5 m, and the mechanics inside the sector, where is the fight, without permission of the judge of the competition. For violation of this rule the member is reprimanded, and in case of repeated violations, he should be disqualified.
Start is as follows. After the call to the launch pad crews are provided with a three-minute preparation time, after which the command “Start”.
The air battle lasts 5 minutes and ends with the command “Fight is over”. Points are scored in the following way: for every second of flight — 1 point for each intersection of the tail of the enemy — 10 points, a second Sha-walking snake on earth is given 1 penalty point. The final result is determined as the difference of scored and penalty points.
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