BELOKAMENNAYA YACHTA greater number of young athletes to the runaway yacht class P-2. And it is clear. The accessibility and speed of production, opportunities to experiment give the appeal of a “Junior” kind of models. Into is and the quiet romanticism of sailing races in an age when we all were a little tired from the continuous noise of the motors.
Directions of search of the optimum scheme P-2 set. Most often, the main objectives are purely sporting results. But, with rare exceptions, it leads, unfortunately, to higher requirements of professionalism and reduced availability. However, model yacht P-2 is designed primarily for beginners. And, therefore, eligible search in the region increased ease of microparasites.
One of the interesting developments that allows you to create simple models in just a half of one shift in the summer camp (not to mention the regular clubs!), today we introduce young modelers-boaters.
Special explanations sverhpredelna design model is not required. It is sufficient to address only some of the nodes and materials for the manufacture of the yacht.
Work begin with the hulls of the catamaran. Their Foundation — inflated and folded in half chamber of the adult bike. In the middle of the folded “a bagel” has a wooden rail cross-section 10 X 15 mm such length that it is securely held apart the end portions of the “cylinders”. Then the parts vzaimovyigrysha with cords or patch. As can be seen in the figure, each end of the slats bear screwed the screws in the clamps of sheet metal needed to mount the crossbars of the catamaran. The latter are made of wire or slats. The Central longitudinal beam of the rail cross-section 10 X 15 mm.
Fig. 1. Making a float for the model of a catamaran of a Bicycle camera.
Fig. 1. Making a float for the model of the catamaran from the Bicycle chamber.
Fig. 2. Body part model with transverse beams, the longitudinal center beam and the keel.
Fig. 2. Body part model with transverse beams, the longitudinal center beam and the keel.
Sail design is simplified to match the housings. Of the two rails vystragivaetsja the mast and the boom; articulated pendant with two wire hooks. Guys simple way to do this out of a nylon clothesline, loose up to two threads. The sail cut out from plastic film. The total surface of the mainsail and headsail to the model class P-2 shall not exceed 5000 cm2 (0.5 m2). Useful rear edge of the grotto to reinforce soft battens (strips of tape-of tape on both sides of the sail).
Fig. 3. Model sailing catamaran in the collection.
Fig. 3. Model sailing catamaran in the collection.
Fig. 4. Curly plate for adjusting the tension of the boom-guys and the Scots.
Fig. 4. Curly plate for adjusting the tension of the boom-guys and the Scots.
About halfway down the length of the Central beam is mounted keel plate made of aluminum or chetyrehkilometrovoy plywood, protected against water by a coating of linseed oil and oil paint. The steering wheel is not put, as such a model is quite stable on the course without it.
Adjustment of yachts is carried out by permuting the spur of the mast in the hole in the Central beam and the selection of the length of the sailing of the Scots. For convenience, these operations “ropes” are made through simple clamps (the plate with three holes in a row), which introduced the system guys.
A. DOROSHENKO, g. Gaysin, Vinnitsa region

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