STUKELEY SCHEMEThe search for new solutions before the next sports season has led our members to very unusual for present-day design. In a subclass of HH-0.2 is now dominated by specialized yacht model. Basically it is a catamaran with a rigid sail-wing or newfangled pyramidal sailing tooling used again in mnogotochechnykh. However and those and others are clearly expressed signs of directions of designing of sports projectiles that have little in common with real yachts. So we tried to go back to the models one-korpusniki, refitting their sailing rigging. The fact that the classical scheme of a cutter with mainsail and staysail in its simplest initially losing performance in connection with birth defects tractive effort of the sails. We have used the so-called stukeley scheme (often referred to as the L-shaped mast). It has much better properties, as it provides the most Agnolo element snap — grotto — optimally and in a wide range of settings of the sails. Do note that designs based on technically sophisticated “bells and whistles” (like rotary wing masts and the like) are generally not considered when creating the model students all that’s out.

Pilot tests of a new, constructed in accordance with our project boats showed: extremely successful was not only the exterior design (and for many athletes this is an important factor), but also the driving properties of the mini-sailboat. We would therefore offer a description and drawings of this model to play it in the clubs any level of equipment. Thus, we present only one implemented version of the design based on exclusive use of readily available domestic materials. And on the basis of these drawings, you can build a better (lightweight) modification, using, for example, as the skins are sheet balsa. Driving characteristics of the model will benefit from this.
The proposed yacht or any other sailing vessel is the hull. We stopped at the hull shape with the contours of the “Sharpie”, as they are the easiest to build according to the classical technology. Set of longitudinal frame is formed by four stringers, the slats of Midel’veys and a keel strap, the cross — set of frames. The latter is used for plywood 2 mm thickness, although the best variant — pre-overlap two layers of mm plywood on epoxy glue (this combination allows for relief of the frames leave much more narrow walls, and dams). After checking mutual connectivity all the parts are placed and fixed on the slipway the keel up, after which the joints shed svezhenanesennoj epoxy resin. The slipway is a half-open “area” of grooved boards. The angle between their working surfaces must exactly correspond to the fracture of the deck plating. Of course, it would be easier to initially design a smooth flat deck. However, we abandoned this option in favor of a more durable and rigid “corner”.
Assembled the frame body is removed from the pile, and on it are mounted the amplifier elements and the nasal boss. Then he carefully polished with emery paper glued to flat wooden sticks (at the same time Malouda stringers, Midel’veys and keel battens). You can now remove the hull with sheets of drawing paper templates for raskryvanie skins bottoms, which, in turn, are made from mm plywood. After installation of this part of plating (also epoxy resin; next, a binder is not specified, as it is the most durable and waterproof glue going all model), which comes partly on the nasal boss, her allowances on bilge stringers are cut and transferred to the manufacture of the keel plate. There are several possible variants of its constructive execution. However, we settled on the simplest: of duralumin sheet thickness of 1.5 mm. the Workpiece is carefully cut, sawed with a jigsaw and then trimmed with a file, needle files and emery paper on the edges.
Unmanaged model yacht sail measurement area of 0.2 m2
Unmanaged model yacht sail measurement area of 0.2 m2:
1 tower L-shaped; 2 — the stay; 3 — the jib boom; 4 — body; 5 — plate (fin) keel; 6 — ballast; 7 — rudder; 8 — the mainsail; 9 — aftersteg; 10 grotto; 11 — armor rate; 12 — epaulet of boom-mainsheet; 13 — shoulder straps jib-sheet; 14 — “the gaff rig-RAS-spanking” false (applies only if you selected the tight rigging and the strong winds).
The wheel and its mounting brackets

The wheel and its mounting brackets
1 — the boss bow (Linden); 2 — Midel’veys (pine rack 8×3); 3— plating of the deck; a 4 — stringer (pine rail 3×3); 5 — stringer zygomatic (pine rail 4×3); 6 — plate keel (dural sheet s 1,5); 7 — keel timber (pine rack 8×3; before mounting tformat in the steamed form); 8 — hull bottom; 9 — bracket, steering (dural sheet s0,5 — 0,7); 10 — rudder (dural sheet s0,7… 1); 11 — transom (plywood s); 12-17 — frames intermediate (plywood s2); 18 — bow bulkhead (plywood s); 19 fungus threaded for fastening the halves of the fairing for ballast; 20 — plate upper stringer (pine rack 8×3); 21 — a lining Board; 22 — fillet — a fillet corner joint (epoxy resin); 23 strengthening the Midel’veys (pine rail 3×3).

Deck side trim is not shown
Deck part of the skin is not shown
Projection “case”:
1-7 — theoretical section of the housing. Place the length of the body correspond to the position of structural frames. When removing the template for making frames to make adjustments for the thickness of the hull plating.
Rigging diagram

Rigging diagram:
1 — the jib-boom; 2 — staysail-shag; 3 — the grotto-shag; 4 — mast of L-image-Naya; 5 — aftersteg; 6 — the mainsail; 7 — epaulet of geek skoga; 8 — shoulder straps, saxeli-sheet.
Scheme of the headsail and Gros ha with classic mast (A) n when stukeley scheme with L-shaped mast (B)

Scheme of the headsail and Gros ha with classic mast (A) n when stukeley scheme with L-shaped mast (B):
a, a, b — care the front edge of the sailing element to the side of the axis of the body when exposed to wind load (the values a, and b — vzaimoraschetyi).

At this stage, while the keel plate is still not affixed to the body, it is convenient to make the ballast of the keel. She designs different from the traditional Celerity, so it dwell. As a subclass of DH 0.2 in our model, the mast is very lightweight: the two sides of planed pine slats section 10×6 mm saugeyes to the top end to 6×4 mm and have an elliptical section, and their surfaces are carefully lacquered. Geeks headsail and mainsail (also elliptical cross-section) made of slats section 5×3 mm.
Sails “sewn” as the most simple and affordable option of plastic film of medium thickness. The widespread use now of “school” models, the Mylar film in a similar boat is undesirable because of excessive hardness of the material. The fact that even highly strung rigging under the influence of the wind load on the sails bend not only in the direction of the boards but also along the axis of the housing. Hard cloth sails can start to wrinkle, distort initially a good shape. Therefore, the ideal would need to recognize the special cut of sails made of woven materials. However, such work is already out in complexity beyond the capabilities of beginners.
Speaking of rigging deflections under wind load, note a very important factor is the relative position of the headsail and mainsail in common usage modes (except “butterfly”). Here again affects the dignity stukeley scheme: if classic yacht Grot rigidly fixed care on Board the mast, and the front edge of the headsail is carried wind load by a significant amount, when the L-shaped mast care edges of both parts of rig not only can be adjusted, but also mutually adjusted. Thus aerodynamic gap between “wing” and “slat” can not optimize for almost all courses. Accordingly, it becomes possible to dramatically improve the traction characteristics of the “engine” of a sailboat.
So, I guess all the pros — in favor of stukeley scheme. Therefore we recommend you not only try to reproduce the proposed design, but also for comparison to re-equip one of the existing conventional models. Sure you will be satisfied.
the leader of the group of ship modeling

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