To check the symmetry of the punch of a model of the ship on the drawing manufactures all of its frames (or polosamote). Although this work is easy, but requires time and material cost. For ship modeling clubs and laboratories, which launched production models of ships of various classes, I suggest using a universal mechanical pattern. It reliably and quickly provides control of compliance with the hull lines of the model of the vessel its theoretical drawing and defines even the most minor asymmetry to each side of the punch.

Manufacturer of mechanical template is available to any ship mug, which has the basic machines and tools.
Universal mechanical pattern models
Universal mechanical pattern for models:
1 — plug models, 2 — locking screw, 3 — lateral line 4 — longitudinal line, 5 — connecting screw (see Fig. 2), 6 — sector, 7 — a screw-tap, 8 — a vertical line.
Work with the mechanical template is simple. First, the punch line is applied to the median plane and the line of frames. Mechanical pattern set so that the transverse edge (3) was on the line of the frame (e.g., the mid-bulkhead), and the longitudinal line 4 — the line median plane of the punch. Line 4 moves to line 3 and is locked with the screw 2. The vertical line 8, which has several threaded holes, into which is screwed the screw taps 7, is installed under the most convenient angle depending on the configuration of the contours of the punch and clamped by the screw 2 to sector 6. After that, the screw taps 7 are screwed firmly into the housing of the punch. Now, turn the template 180° and moving it to the opposite side, you define the position of the screw symmetry of the punch For manufacture of generics recommend steel 45.
A. KOLOTOVKIN, g. Klintsy

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