LAND BOATS STARTIn the February issue of “Modeller-designer” we met article on the development of a new class of car — unmanaged vetrogonov. Don’t know how reacted to the most interesting suggestion of the authors of that article and the magazine automodeling Federation of sports of Russia, but in our circle it was accepted “on hurrah” — so interesting, affordable and promising was this topic. Work on a new type of machines we started with, that surely will be useful to all, tion interested in constructing vetrogonov — with the development of minimized similarity of the internal rules of the competition and technical constraints applicable to unusual models. On the last point we were limited to only the maximum area of the driving model sailing arms (no more than 25 dm2) and the total dimensions of the machine (prepared by the start condition, it must fit into a cube with sides not more than 1000 mm). Under these constraints, Verkade should be potentially very fast and quite “personable” for forms that will go only to the benefit of the attractiveness and popularity of the competition in the new class. It should be noted that the rough calculations of the maximum potential speed of movement convinced us in the fact that would be very useful, additional development is reduced “oneorzero” type vetrogonov. Here are our suggestions tanovi: sail area limit of 10-15 dm2, and dimensions described Nuba 500-600 mm.

Think about creating a “Junior” division, we made the information derived from a very interesting and useful book by Joseph Norwood “Fast sailing ships” (published by publishing house “Shipbuilding” in Leningrad in 1983, is translated publication we recommend to everyone who is passionate about sailing theme). There is a number of calculations and decanters, claiming that the potential rapidity of sailing of ice boats, or similar characteristics of our vetrogonov can reach eight times the magnitude of the wind speed. This means that, in principle, if the wind is 10 m/s on a perfectly designed and made
car with special wheels to the perfect site achievable speed of 288 km/h!!! Of course, it is rather pink dreams, but this amount legitimately be considered and the level to which it is not only possible but also need to strive for.
Parallel calculations of the loads on the sailing equipment, also gave very interesting results. It turned out that when given the perfect speed wind load can reach the level.
100 lbs. it All seems like science fiction. However, the experience of a large buerocratic shows that all vykladni have a very real basis. And perhaps, once and our model Verkade will approach these frontiers. So now you need to take very seriously their design. Suffice it to recall that even with speed equal to only one wind speed (e.g. 10 m/s or, equivalently, 36 km/h) loads on the sail can achieve values of about 3 kg.
Fig. 1. Sailing the car with piramidalny sail
Fig. 1. Sailing the car with piramidalny rigging:
1 — rear swivel wheel, 2 — rocking drive-turn 3 — habilitator plate self-aligning sailing system, 4 — rear brace mast, 5 — stabilizatory plate bracket, 6 — soft sail, 7 — mast 8 — front brace of the mast 9 — strut strut, which serves to stop the overclocked models, 10 — rear wheel 11 — base frame chassis 12 bracket Assembly, rear control wheel.

Fig. 2. Mast system pyramidal sailing arms
Fig. 2. Mast system pyramidal sailing arms:
1 — boom sails (brass or steel tube or wooden rack d 6mm) 2 — upper braces of the trapezoid (the wire OVS and 2-2. 5 mm), 3 — the average weight of the mast (steel or brass tube, set firmly in the epoxy on the mast during Assembly of the entire system), 4 — rope edge of the sail (the rope or wire OVS d of 0.6—0.8 mm; the ends to be fastened securely after tension on the top and bottom nosing of a mast with a bend through the corners of the trapezoid), 5 — mast (round rack of high quality dense pine; the section at the bottom d 12 mm, since a third of the height of the mast gradually thinning to the top end up to ø 6 mm), 6 — upper fittings (brass or steel tube with soldered wire hooks from OVS 0 1.5 mm or chiseled detail), 7 — lower end (chiseled detail of a brass or steel), 8 — the bottom element of the stretch marks, which is the rope edge of the sail, the 9 — strut trapeze (wire OVS 0 2-2.5 mm).
Fig. 3. The scheme hinges soft sails
Fig. 3. The scheme hinges soft sails:
1 — rope edge of the sail (part of the pyramidal system of the mast), 2 — sealing edges (high-quality tape for the entire height of the sail), 3 — panel sails (synthetic film thickness of 0.05-0.08 mm).
The “belly” of a sail is designed for medium and strong wind speeds, as well as for the weak at high specific speed model.

Fig. 4. Tracking system of self-sails
Fig. 4. Servo system self-sail:
1 — stabilizatory plate (thick foam thickness of 4 mm), 2,3 — elements the front edge of the (wooden slats), 4 — bracket (pine rail section 6×12 mm, thinning to the end up to 4×8 mm), 5 — details the crimp clamp (sheet steel or brass with a thickness of about 1.5 mm) 6 — M4 screw with nut-“lamb” for the clip follow-up system on mast (used for adjustment of the angle of stabilizatory plate relative to the plane of the sails, and with the permutation of sailing arms to the other side when you change the direction of the wind).
Fig. 5. Node rear swivel wheels:
Fig. 5. Node rear swivel wheels:
1 — fork wheels, 2 — sleeve, 3 — axis, 4 — clamping adjustable pylon for connection of thrust with a horn bottom nosing rotary pyramidal mast, 5 — screw, 6 — tube-bearing, 7 — clamp, 8 — plywood bracket on the chassis frame.

In addition, it shows the classic version of the pyramid of the mast, formed by only a light mast, four inclined struts and a system cable edges and stretch marks. Is the most lightweight and durable design (recommended for sailing vetrogonov high class), but more complicated to “set-up” compared to the proposed scheme.

Created and tested in our circle model sailing vetrohod is developmental in nature. Although it is already possible to see signs of desire for obtaining a high specific speed. But the primary task we were still working out the overall concept and the individual nodes in an unknown technology. In design it is quite simple, and I hope that the images will eliminate possible questions. In the overall scheme of the model is close to option number two, given the publication in the “Modeller-designer” No. 2, 1995 (highly recommend to get this magazine where you’ll find the answers to the basic questions of principle design vetrogonov). On our machine is greatly simplified chassis frame, represented by the Assembly of wooden bars section 25×25 mm, reinforced in all joints double sided pasting of cellular plywood. Wheel-polypragmaty 100 mm diameter domestic firms “Thermals”. For developmental purposes, they seemed the most suitable quality and versatility, although for competition purposes, like need completely different. The General theme of the choice of wheels seems no less important than the design of driving system of sailing.
Whether to apply the suspension of suspension to use wheel-knives, or spongy torus-shaped tire, or you can go to the soft wheels with disc knife-like inserts that hold the model from demolition, will show only time and experience in the competitive samples. Of course, the choice will be largely due to the surface of the race track, and here the rules don’t need to restrict anything from the settings used wheels. Our simplest solution with polunamekami provides satisfactory speed stable ride on the cropped grass of a football field. Noticeably worse results, especially when the wind speed more than 5-6 m/s on asphalt playgrounds. Where significant lateral drift, which is manifested in alternating spurts models from the set course. The system of automatic installation of rig and keep the course running, trying to recover a given mode of movement. As a result, the model moves unevenly, with the changing phases of acceleration and braking. And despite the instability, the results of the races is significantly higher than on the ground. By the way: it seems that in the near future there will be a problem of reliable timing results! How to solve when you know the potential rapidity, we do not represent, and here all hope for more sophisticated designers (who come up with something interesting, let them immediately send their proposals to the editorial Board!). Returning to the character stroke model on the asphalt, I want to note just one more thing. We believe that volatility — the case is solved, and everything depends on experience of the balancing apparatus, and especially from the ability to place ballast weights in the areas of wheel suspension. This experience at the earliest opportunity we will have, and then get more stylish competitive car. This is already more than interesting.
Aren’t you afraid to be left behind?
the head of the circle of automodelisme

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