There is a perception that control the “gas” compression of the motor as well as nitro, is almost impossible. However, for a long time had already been quite successful systems for remote control of frequency of rotation of the shaft diesel. Failure, usually associated with the specificity of modes of diesel and errors in the design of standard mass carburetors of the motors. Such subtleties on the proposed material, telling about the alteration of the compression of the engine under remote control.
The most common variant of the throttle — mounted on the carburetor air flap driven by a cord system or steering of the machine. Unfortunately, management efficiency “gas” when it was unstable (it all depended on the design features and condition “diesel”).
It should be noted that the performance of this carb does not depend on the way throttling futorki: good and simple tin washer, and classic rotary drum with cross feedthrough. The main thing in this scheme is that the nozzle and the spray orifice behind air shutter, and if you change the flow futorki vacuum behind the valve increases sharply compared with the normal mode. Nitro engines this is not the case, they begin to “choke” the working rich mixture. Nominal consumption, fuel “diesel” noticeably smaller, so the compression engines are working steadily even when almost fully closed throttle, and is much enriched mixture have little influence on their work, especially at low speeds. But “diesels” like “perezaliv” has specific limitations, which, however, allow them to work in the regime of very small “gas”. By the way, this theory is not at odds with the practice in Vogue when was motors “Rhythm” in its first, best performance. Other engines such radiolaboratory practically were not fitted because of the instability of the results.
However, it is still not the brand of the engine and not its design. Of course, it is desirable that “diesel” reinvent radiolarians, was in good condition, had a dense, cylinder-piston pair and sealed “nervosi” sock Carter. However, in modern engines to achieve adjustment of the gas within wide limits can be extremely rare. And the reason for that is very common in our time, the carb with the so-called ring nozzle. Carefully examined in its design, then it will be clear what is wrong. For example, take the carb most efficient mass engine KMD-2,5. Take a look at the drawings and try to imagine what would happen if the fuel suction with closed air flap will increase several times.
It turns out that despite the availability of high-quality needle adjustment of the fuel mixture, heated (when fitting) and liquefied fuel there are several “bypass” paths in the engine, in addition to design. In particular, one that can be traced from the annular groove in the area of the swivel connection along the body of the nozzle, outputting directly into the working annular groove futorki. Not here to help the sealing copper washers, which prevents the release of fuel is only the outside which seal the individual elements of the jet at the Seating surfaces. Fit all the parts in the best case, “running”, which does not seal the joints, especially on warm engine.
Through seepage of fuel into the motor that works at maximum capacity, even with half-closed the damper falls so rich a mixture that stalls after attempts to reduce the speed with radiolaboratory.
Here is one way out — to seal all joints. The swivel connection is best NAPAT on the body of the nozzle orifices rassverlit in the details after filling them with solder. The installation of The nozzle in the tides of the rear wall using epoxy glue (excluding flowing in the fuel channels). Also “epoxy” it is useful to set the nut and the body of the nozzle through this threaded connection enters into the working cavity of the air. Few people paid attention on this joint, and in fact it often is the root cause of unstable work of KMD at maximum speed when “sandwiched” futharke.
Revision futorki regular carb engine KMD and Maytag choke
Revision futorki regular carb engine KMD and Maytag air dampers:
1 — overlay threaded, 2 — valve (white tin plated tin I,S), 3 — axis dampers (steel wire 0 0,8…1,0 or wire clip). When assembling item 2 firmly press on the axis 3; the connection to shed epoxy or solder. The gap between the closed valve and the internal channel futorki is minimal.

Regular jet engine KMD
Regular jet engine KMD:
1 — the needle of the fuel control, 2 — clamping nut, 3 — the case of the jet, 4 — nut, 5 — copper strips, 6 — rear wall of the engine, 7 — overlay threaded carb, 8 — swivel fitting 9 — remote washer.

Diagram of the throttle of the engine of KMD due to the discharge of vnutricerepnogo pressure and calculation of flow sections of the system
Diagram of the throttle of the engine of KMD due to the discharge of vnutricerepnogo pressure and calculation of flow sections of the system.
 Diagram of the throttle of the engine of KMD due to the friction load torque of the crankshaft
Diagram of the throttle of the engine of KMD due to the friction load torque of the crank shaft:
a — frontal type clutch (brake Shoe rigidly mounted on the rolling stock). Sliding on stem dry eye is actuated by a rod from steering the car when driving forward it compresses a spring acting on attached to the stock thrust washer while ensuring the proportionality of the efforts of the brakes and move the steering levers of the typewriter; B — clutch self-similar type (unit includes a casing and eccentric to the axis of the lever).

Another joint, which should be further developed between the inner part of the Zolotnik futorki and rear wall of the motor. If you want to do the fuel sprayed in the carb, not just run along the walls of the channel in an unplanned area, asclepia with a ball of suitable diameter and a hammer rear part futorki. However, the tightness here can also provide epoxy adhesive.
The described system of management “gas” is, unfortunately, a significant drawback. As you know, for a dosing hole nozzle in the zone of the annular grooves futorki accumulates a lot of the fuel mixture, which can unexpectedly merge into the engine via the four spray holes. It negates the performance standard carburetor KMD at sharp evolutions of the models when overload inevitably drain the annular fuel layer, and subsequent filling of the grooves of the fuel mixture generally unpredictable. Therefore, those, who
need a reliable, cool-running CMD in radiolarians, replace the regular rear wall of the corresponding node from the “Rhythm”. In this case, the only revision KMD will be the shortening of the rear sump to approximately 2 mm (the exact value of the cut depends on the specific dimensions of the parts); the other seat sizes are the same. For such a motor is suitable for any reliable passing jet. As well As the air intake valve.
After the installation of the walls from “Rhythm” changes completely the work of CMD. Stable mode, improved run, increase the resource of the connecting rod and the crank pin crankshaft — here are the pros of the proposed solution. After these alterations radiolarian KMD with a propeller 230×140 mm steadily holding a small “strip” at 3600…4000 rpm. With careful adjustment and tight “pair” it is possible to achieve deeper throttling.
In conclusion, two unusual experiments on the theme of remaking “diesel” radiolarian. The first attempt to control the “gas” at the expense… of the throttled pressure relief from the crankcase space. Here, of course, we can only go on dual-mode control, eliminating the intermediate speed control. A controllable valve is installed in the slot normally used for the fitting-valve selection pressure in the pressurization tank. The system “gas” does not preclude a charge for this from the body of the controlled valve (ball) is the side-arm through which pressure is taken. Experiments with the new system is not finished yet, so the exact dimensions in the diagram no. It appears that this system is perfect when feeding fuel under pressure. When the supply of fuel without the boost tank to the limit to increase the flow area of the channels, razgermetizatsii Carter.
The second planned experiment management “gas” is to equip the engine frictional brake acting on the rear plane bearing washer propeller Coca. The basis of this experiment was the practice of stopping the running of the motor with your fingers over the spinner. In most cases, any diesel regardless of its cubic capacity cannot hold at low speed. In this scheme, are attracted to the simplicity of the device and the complete independence of adjustment of the speed from the settings capricious model of the Microdrive.
Those who are interested in this idea, can you recommend a cook for a disc brake, similar self-similar. This decision will allow to achieve a significant braking torque at the minimum size of the nodes and a precise braking force. In addition, the drive disc brakes steering possible from the usual cars on-Board radio system.
V. TIKHOMIROV, master of sports

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