MODEL AIRCRAFT ALL-AROUNDAll-around radio controlled model gliders (class F-3-B), which includes three flight exercises, is the youngest species of the competitions of flying models. It is flying on the duration, distance and speed. Place in the competition is determined by the sum of the results of the three exercises shown in the two flight rounds. In competition an athlete may use two models: allowed rearrangement of parts from one to another, however, the weight of the model and the maximum area of bearing surface shall not exceed respectively 5 kg and 150 DM2, and the load on an area of 12 and 75 g/DM2. The rules allow change of the geometry of surfaces in flight using radio control, but the transmission of information from the Board to the pilot is prohibited. The model was run for the guard rails, the movement of the Modeler’s assistant, engaged in towing, shall not exceed 150 m. a climb can be carried out with the help of the engine, for every 1 cm3 working volume of which (but not more than 2 cm3) shall be at least 100 g take-off weight of the model. It allowed the use of additional ballast. The engine operating time is limited to 45 C. To complete the exercise on the duration of the flight, the Modeler is given 8 min of working time at the start. The countdown of flight begins with the uncoupling of a rail (or stop the engine of a motor-glider). Every second in the air is estimated at one point. The maximum number is 360. For a flight over 6 min, the Modeler receives one penalty point for each extra second in the air (down to zero).
Is evaluated and the precision of fit of the model. Scoring for accuracy is calculated by the formula
n = 100 – 5*(L – 1),
where L — distance of the landing point from the landing of the sign in meters. The removal of the touch point of the glider on the ground from the landing of the sign shall not exceed 15 m. For landing at a greater distance, or after 8 min of working time are given zero points. The total result of the flight duration is estimated by the formula:
N1 = 0,75*(t + n),
where t is the estimation of flight duration, n is the estimate of the accuracy of the fit, N is the total number of points.
The exercise range is given 8 minutes of working time. It is based on between two arranged in parallel at a distance of 150 m starting lines A and B. At the time of crossing lines And planning mode begins flight time (it is 4 min). During this period, the model must make the greatest number of openings between the lines A and B, or rather imaginary vertical planes above them. If the model during flight time will land between the lines A and B, is added to the database passed part of the distance. The result range is evaluated in points according to the formula:
N2 = 0,25*L,
where L is the distance travelled by the model during the scoring minute.
Exercise on speed runs for 5 min working time. Model in minimum time have to fly from base line A to line B and back. The time span is rounded to 0.1 s. the landing Place is arbitrary. Evaluation of high-speed flight is determined by the formula:
N3 = 5,5 * v,
where v is the flight speed in km/h.
Championship in the all-around is estimated by the sum of points: N1 + N2 + N3.
I — diagram of the start; II — landing zone when flying the ia range; III — zone of landing with a flight duration and precision landing (touch the ground).
1 — assistant, 2 — judge, 3 — signalman.

When you create a model to meet these contradictory requirements, like maximum speed and the duration of the flight, the athletes, there are certain technical difficulties. However, this new class of radio controlled model gliders in recent years has become very popular among Soviet athletes.

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