MODEL ROCKET GLIDERSCategory S4. The rocket plane is an aircraft that is lifted into the air using the thrust of the rocket engine, and returns to earth planning with the engine off — using the aerodynamic lifting force. This requirement applies to all three categories of rocket gliders for the duration of the flight — S4, S8, S10. And each has its differences. S4 — model glider with an accelerator, which can be separated during the flight. S8 — model RC rocket glider S10 — a model rocket with a soft wing (wing “Rogallo”).

Model category raketoplana “age” are not inferior parachute models (S). At the stage of appearance and development of rocket modeling was not dividing them into separate categories, there was only one category of raketoplana.
In 1966, the international aeronautical Federation (FAI), specifically its Commission on space models developed by the sporting code in which all raketoplana were divided into four classes and had a bird name: “Sparrow”, “swift”, “eagle” and “Condor”.
On the amended in 1975 and 1989, the code of the FAI, was the division of raketoplana into categories and classes depending on the total impulse of the engine and the starting mass. Classes are five, and since 2001 — six, and refined the requirements in each category.
Today our conversation is about the category of raketoplana S4 — models of gliders with the accelerator. It is divided into five classes. The most popular class Ѕ4А — championship. Technical data requirements sports “shells” are: the minimum starting weight — 18 g., the maximum is 60 g. In flight, the engine must be separated from the model only in the container and land on the ribbon (smallest 25×300 mm) or a parachute with an area of more than 4 dm2. If this condition is not complied with — flight is considered a non -.
Since the inception of the models raketoplana this category was always distinguished by an abundance of schemes and designs. It has been a continuous search of original technical solutions, in it there is a place for creative ideas Modeler-constructor.
Speaking of models raketoplana S4, it is possible to allocate three main schemes for which the building today sports “shells” in this category. The first model is the so-called “airplane” scheme. With the construction of raketoplana that looks like a plane, originates the development of the models in this category.
Apparently, then, rocketmodeler felt some impact of aviation is often required to have a sustainable plan, it is necessary to build the model according to the classical scheme, that is, “airplane”.
But I must admit that today such a scheme aircraft almost does not apply. The main reason — high probability of getting zero marks for takeoff. Very often judges do not appreciate this start, since the rise in use of the aerodynamic lifting force.
The missile has been looking for ways of perfection of the starting characteristics of their rocket gliders. So, in 1972, A. Gavrilov (Krasnozavodsk) developed a model of the rocket plane with rotating wing along the fuselage. Modelist S. Morozov (Electrostal) in 1974 suggested that the wing console before the start, which evolved to the center was diverted to the tail, acting as a stabilizer, and after the operation of lifting charge MRD held the position for planning.
In 1982 the all-Union competitions were presented the original model of the rocket plane, the first of which was Moscow athletes under the guidance of coach V. I. Minakova. In this design lurks technical ideas of the above modelers is a folding console and rotary wing. This is the scheme of the rocket glider, so-called “Moscow” and today is widely used by modelers. Folded (during takeoff) rocket resembles an ordinary rocket — wing is along the fuselage. After shooting mrad (at an altitude of about 200 m) wing under the action of elastic pivots, and reveals his console, turning the model into a normal glider. This scheme raketoplana today prefer most athletes modelers.
Group raketoplana make up the aircraft, made under the scheme “flying wing”. The author and developer is the teacher of the aerospace club, “Union”, V. N. Ukrainians. Hence the name of the scheme rocket glider “khokhlovskiy”.
For the first time in flight, the model rocket plane seen at the Moscow championship in the early 90-ies of the last century. It satisfies all technical requirements in this category: could do a vertical takeoff (within 30° from the vertical), is resistant to plan, had a small mass and therefore low wing loading.
Many competitions were athletes such raketoplana. There were successes and failures. But they continued to work, modelers, designers honed their sporting “weapons.” So, from the wing of foam came to mosaic the frame, thus reducing flight weight and increasing rigidity.
Raketoplana this design of container type. Glider (flying wing) is foldable, fits into the body of the rocket (the container). This gives a great advantage in altitude. The disadvantages I would mention the difficulty of monitoring the model is not always sustainable planning.
With models of this scheme was performed at the 16th world championship “rocket” Belarus and Japan. Success and Belarusian athletes that became the first (V. Minkevich) and third (A. Lipaj) the winners of the world championship. The drawings and the description of such a model published in “M-K” № 1, 2008 year.
Take a look at more interesting model rocket glider category S4.
Rocket to victory
Since 2009 the code of the FAI and the Rules of the competition in Russia came into force a change of the technical requirements to models of category S4 (raketoplan), which permits the exhaust of the engine (MRD) only within the container or not to separate it from the model.
By the second route went Reshetnikov Alexey from Moscow, Sergiev Posad. And I must say, of all the major Russian competitions
2009 , Alex was the winner of the Cup and the championship of Russia all-Russian competitions for the prize of S. P. Korolev.
A little bit about the designer. In the ranks of leading athletes rocketmodeler Alexey Reshetnikov firmly entrenched in 2000. His debut in 1990, was also a champion. Then Alex took first place at the district competition in the class a model rocket parachute — SA. And in 1993, A. Reshetnikov became the champion of Russia among young men in the class of models S7. At all events — from all-Russian to international, which started Alex, he invariably became the champion.
Since 2000, Alex is a member of the national team, prize-winner of Championships of Russia and Europe. And then he becomes a master of sports. In 2002, after winning the world championship in command offset in the class of models of rotochutes (Ѕ9В) Alex was awarded the title of master of sports of international class. Since 2004 Alexey — the teacher of additional education at the Centre of technical creativity “Youth” of the town of Sergiev Posad. And in 2005 at the European Championships he won a silver medal in the individual competition in the class of raketoplana (S4).
Was successful for the athlete Reshetnikova and 2008. At the world Championships in Spain, he became the winner in individual championship in the class of models with a parachute and a winner in the team standings. Today his students continue winning tradition of his teacher. So, the winners of the regional competitions this year Dima Lysikov (class Ѕ9А) and Danil Biryukov (class Ѕ4А).
Model rocket A. Reshetnikov
Model rocket A. Reshetnikov:
1—fairing; 2—damping hole; 3 — container MRD; 4—pole; 5 — cone of the fuselage; 6—fuselage; 7—hook-return bands; 8—rubber band return to planning wing; 9—hook attachment of the gum; 10—end stop for fixing the deployed position of the wing; 11—landing pad (Board); 12—pylon wing; 13—washer (celluloid); 14—the screw (M2) wing mounting; 15—center section; 16—loop fastener locking threads; 17—pad gain (celluloid); 18—gum disclosing console; 19—pad; 20—emphasis-position lock the folded wing; 21 —hook attachment bands of the disclosure; 22—console (“ear”); 23 Kil; 24—stabilizer; 25—boss; 26—”mushroom”

How many know Alexey (over 10 years), always amazed by his remarkable humility and openness. It is characterized by respect for young and adult athletes”missilemen”. At the first request to help with advice or deed — failsafe. Masculine attractive and friendly, well respected among his fellow teachers.
All achievements A. Reshetnikova — the result of creative search, the desire to do something new, unknown in the small aircraft, called the model rocket.
The magazine has already published drawings and descriptions of sports projectiles “missile” from Sergiev Posad. I believe the offered material will be of interest to our readers.
At first glance, the rocket plane
A.Reshetnikov (class Ѕ4А) does not attract the attention of athletes — the usual “Moscow” scheme. But on closer examination, especially in flight, see all of the design of this model. One of them is large (compared with others) lengthening of a wing — about 11, and the mass of the rocket just 18 g.
Fuselage — cone beam made of CFRP with a length of 475 mm, wikiepedia on the mandrel of variable cross section with a diameter at the ends of 7.6 and 3.5 mm Technology moulding is. The metal mandrel is heated and grease separation with mastic (edeluxe). Giving to cool the mandrel, reel up on it a layer of glass, of a thickness of 0.03 mm, impregnated with epoxy resin, then a layer of carbon fabric with a thickness of 0.14 mm. After a short drying of the resin obtained billet wrap tape tape width 4 — 6 mm and placed in an oven (temperature 70 to 80°C).
After 2.5 — 3 hours, allowing to harden the resin, the resulting billet is free from the tape and clamped in the Chuck of the lathe, process, and butt length 475 mm.
Inside beams glued two balsa boss. One at a distance of 145 — 150 mm from the front of the cut — for “fungus”, which makes the thread M2 for wing mounting. He, “fungus”, is also the axis of its rotation. Another boss glued at a distance of 90 mm from the front end of the fuselage, to gain place of mounting the hook of the return gum.
In the nose I put the fairing of lime and profiles as shown on the top view drawing. Then from bottom to attach the pylon to the container mrad. It is a balsa plate with a thickness of five mm and a size of 12×30 mm. in Front of the pylon focuses on the contour of the fuselage. From the bottom to the pylon attach the container MRD — plastic tube with a length of 32 mm with an inner diameter of 10.2 mm and ogive fairing.
At the site of attachment of the fairing to the container through a horizontal drilled hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm. It is used for threading the fixing threads holding the wing folded for takeoff, and facilitates the venting of gases when triggered, expelling charge MRD at the end of the active portion of the flight.
At a distance of 152,5 mm from the fairing of the fuselage (5) is glued on top of resin on the balsa plate with a length of 55 mm and a width of 12 mm. the Lower surface profile in the form of gutters along the beam. Then the upper plane vyskazyvat and leveled to a thickness of 1.5 mm — front and 1 mm at the rear. Then cover them with three coats of nitro lacquer. This disk serves as a landing pad (11) for the pylon of the wing (12). In the middle of doing a through hole with a diameter of 3 mm and glued it to the axis of rotation of the wing — “mushroom” made of aluminum with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 10 mm, with internal thread M2 for screw mounting. In order to avoid pushing the center section where the attachment of the spherical bolt head has a diameter of 6 mm.
The tail beam of the fuselage ends with a tail. The stabilizer is cut from the balsa plate thickness of 1.5 mm, slightly round off the contour, lacquered and mounted on top of the fuselage with epoxy. Keel — trapezoidal shape, is also made of balsa, with a thickness of 1,5 mm, is glued on top of the stabilizer.
The wing consists of a center section and two consoles, carved balsa plate. The center section — rectangular size mm 310×55 with PLANO-convex profile with a maximum thickness of 3 mm, located at 1/3 of the width from the leading edge. Console (“ears”) — trapezoidal in plan; their scale — 140 mm thickness — variable: butt — 3 mm at the narrow end is 2.5 mm. Mount the consoles to the center — hinge , is made of a nylon belt with a width of 20 mm. the Hinges are glued at the bottom with glue BF-2. The angle of the transverse V — 20°. By the middle of the lower surface of the center section glued the pylon balsa plate with a width of 12 mm variable thickness: 4.5 mm — front edge, 2 mm — at the rear. This difference in the thickness of the pole provides the necessary installation angle of the wing. In front of the pylon on the left side of the plane of the fixed end stop of steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm. In the middle of the center-drilled hole with a diameter of 3 mm under the “fungus”.
In the center section glued three hooks for rubber bands return: two — at a distance of 18 mm from the ends for the “ears” and one in the front edge for attaching the elastic rotation of the wing. It should be noted that only on the model A. Reshetnikova elastic rotation of the wing is very short, the distance between the hooks 34 mm. According to the designer, it provides a fast and reliable rotation and opening of the wing at the transition of the model in planning mode. On the consoles installed on the hook at a distance of 18 mm from the wide end. And on the right “ear” of the free end of the hook is bent in the form of a half loop. It includes the thread-lock the wing in take-off mode. Where you touch the gums return edge consoles are strengthened with plates of epoxy resin.
The wing is sanded and coated with two layers of nitrocellulose lacquer. “Lugs” for better visibility painted in a crimson color.
To fly model rocket glider is prepared as follows. Soprikasalis surface of the pylon of the wing and the landing pad of the fuselage is rubbed with a pencil or a stylus and put a wing, putting it on the axis of rotation, and tighten the screw (M2). Against unintentional loosening it fixed with a drop of glue “Moment”. Then put all the gum: the wing pivot and return “ears”, check angles installation angles of the stabilizer, the wing and cross “V” consoles. If necessary, make adjustments. Next achieve the desired alignment (in this model, DH is at a distance of 40 mm from the leading edge of the wing). After that adjust the model for planning, launching with it. It makes no sense at the moment to achieve a perfect planning with some hang in the air. Better to make the flight mode was close to a small (shallow) dive with any turn. After these operations, you can go to the start of the rocket engine. The first starts it is desirable to carry on the MPD with a small pulse (from 1 to 2.5 NS).
Start of the rocket with the gas-dynamic installation of the “piston”.
Before running the model console glider folded under the center section and rotate it counterclockwise 90°, the positioning along the fuselage. In this position, fixed wing temporary mounting thread, threading it through the loops on the beam retainer and the hook retainer, mounted on the right “ear” of the wing. Next, insert the engine into the container, put the pin-retainer. It prevents ejection of MRD.
In the air, after firing the lifting charge MRD, your firepower pulse to burn through the string-retainer. Under the action of the elastic wing is rotated perpendicular to the fuselage, open the console and deflected in the normal (pairwise) position. The model makes planning a flight.

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