ON TRACK, Several years ago I came across a photograph of an unfamiliar race car. Machine interested, but no additional information about the photo caption does not contain, and the search for them has long remained unsuccessful. But once the case got me with one of the designers of this car. With the help of the necessary information about the car focused on my desktop and now I can offer to the hobby to make it the trace option.

Car “Leningrad-2” racing formula III was built at the 2nd Leningrad car repair plant in the early 70-ies by a group of enthusiasts under the guidance of the master of sports of the USSR Sergei Kapustin. On the machine for the first time in the USSR was tested aerodynamic download methods — spoilers front and rear spoiler. Almost all body surface is flat or with small curvature. For frame design and chassis “Leningrad-2” like machines “Estonia”, but different sizes and suspension device. The machine is operated with the engine “Moskvich-412” with two horizontal dual carburetors.
“Leningrad-2” was built for experimental purposes, and its design was continuously altered: there were options without spoiler, with spoiler instead of spoiler, with the engine “VAZ”, with the same wheels front and rear. All these modifications were tested in racing for two seasons (rider N. A. Ivanov), and then was transferred to one of the clubs.
The drawings depict the first version of the car.
Model car “Leningrad-2” I recommend to make with a monocoque body made of tin. This technology allows you to create easy (95-100 grams) and very durable model that can show high sports results.
The body is assembled from thin tinplate (0.2—0.25 mm); can be used, for example, ban.<and from under the condensed milk. When working with tin observe two basic rules: first, it is better to solder two separate parts to the desired angle, than to stick to one; second, the brazing seams must be possible from the outside, the solder fills all the cracks, and to remove the excess much easier.
Fig. 1. Racing car
Fig. 1. Racing car “Leningrad-2” (M 1:24).
Fig. 2. The rear suspension with the engine (models oil cooler, fire extinguisher and stop signal are not shown)
Fig. 2. The rear suspension with the engine (models oil cooler, fire extinguisher and stop signal are not shown):
1 — the layout of the car engine, 2 — rods of the frame (wire Ø 1,5 mm), 3 — rear upper control arm (wire Ø 1 mm), 4 — hub rear wheel (brass), 5 — disc rear wheels (aluminum), 6 — wing nut with thread M3, 7 — Grover-washer, 8 — rear lower control arm (wire Ø 1 mm), 9 — bushing the rear axle (brass), 10 — strut rear suspension (tin, brass S — 0.4 mm).
Fig. 3. The front end and design the front suspension
Fig. 3. The front end and design the front suspension:
1 — bushing in the front axle (brass), 2 wheel hub front axle (brass), 3 — drive wheel, 4 — Grover washer 5 — wing nut with thread M3, 6 — pivot strut front suspension (tin, brass S — 0.4 mm), 7 — washer.
The main feature of the proposed technology is that the copy suspension arms will be carriers. The front suspension is going directly on the body. Its arms are cut from sheet brass with a thickness of 0.8 mm or roofing iron. The levers are drilled holes Ø 0.8 mm under the axle of stationery pins, the ends of the arms in the place of attachment to the body folded so that the secure area of the solder joint 5-6 mm2. The lower lever is additionally fixed with a piece of paperclip, extending inside the coil springs and shock simulator. Thus it is necessary to provide a sufficient area of the seam, soldering in the end impossible. To install the solid rod end into the side of the body drilled holes Ø 2-3 mm. In a rotary rack of a front suspension are inserted and soldered on the flange of the sleeve, and upper and lower shelves of the rack — axle, the wheel hub is inserted in the sleeve and is fixed from the drop of the puck, which should be fixed by soldering on the shank of the hub. Then the strut Assembly (without wheels) is set in place, steering rod from the clip, or any steel wire Ø 0.8—0.9 mm is inserted the bent ends down into the holes on the middle shelves of the rack.
In soft suspension of the current collector is not necessary, so the tilting frame is provided for convenience only service in the position it is rigidly fixed by screw. The arrangement of these parts is clear from the drawings, pay attention only to the fact that the front part frame serves as a limiter of the rotation angle of the current collector. Frame buckle made of soft steel wire Ø 1-1,5 mm.
The rear suspension with the engine is assembled separately and then fastened to the body terminals of the frame and the upper part of the clamp. Its design is shown in the figure, therefore, will offer only the optimum Assembly sequence. The clamp screw plate, completely covering the engine, soldered the rods of the frame and frame rear suspension, then going to the rear axle and installed the levers. After that, going to place the layout engine, differential housing and gears. If you use a crown gear of large diameter, the layout of the differential housing will have to leave the slot in which it is set.
Fig. 4. The design of the front end of the model (the node of the current collector is in the reclined position).
Fig. 4. The design of the front end of the model (the node of the current collector is in the reclined position).
Fig. 5. The current collector
Fig. 5. The current collector:
1 — M3 screw, 2 — support plate (foil glass fiber S — 2 mm), 3, 9 brushes, 4 — the focus limiter (tin, brass S — 0.4 mm) with the leash tie rod (office pin), 5 — M3 nut, 6 — Grover-washer, 7 — wire from the engine, the 8 — foot-retainer wire (paper clip), 10 — guide rails (foil glass fiber, S — 2 mm).

Engine — DK-5-19 or any other similar sizes. Gear ratio 1 : 4. The car is painted in white or yellow. On the spoiler the inscription “LENINGRAD-2” on the background of blue stripes on the spoiler “LARZ-2” on the background of blue waves. Security arc, the total exhaust pipe and control arms — chrome engine — silver, gearbox — silver, covered with yellow-brown varnish, exhaust manifold — black, fire extinguisher — red.
Production models of the proposed technology is available for experienced modelers and allows you to proceed to the construction of scale models with softer suspension. Such models, for example, the lab is doing EN-route automodelisme “Bend” of the Leningrad Palace of pioneers named after A. A. Zhdanov.

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