SECRETS OF THE BOARD OF THE SHIPYARDJudging by the letters received from our readers, many are passionate about creating copies of ships relished compilation copyright materials that reveal various secrets of working on microcode. Today we introduce modelers with experience A. Krainov. THE COPYING SCALE. In the XVII—XVIII centuries, when the craftsmen of that time were created many surviving to the present day models of sailing ships, there was developed a scale based on calculating dimensions in feet and inches. The tradition of the choice of scale has passed through the centuries, and today the most successful I must admit 1:32 and 1:4B. The thing is that in accordance with the laws of copying all the elements of the model should be made of the same materials as those used on the ship prototype. And details such as the shape of the ornament, sculptural elements and other details of sailing ships, when smaller scales cut out of wood or bone is extremely difficult.

RIGGING. Despite the fact that the rigging of copies made of synthetic fibres and cords, looks very impressive, modelers almost never applied. The reason is the hood of the rigging over time and sagging it on the mast. Therefore I propose a simple way of removing synthetics from her innate lack of reinforcement through the rigging. This is done by weaving in nylon string or cord with metal “strings”. Good results are obtained with a nichrome wire 0 of 0.12— 0.3 mm, which is with sufficient strength and does not corrode.
THE HULL PLATING. Process and technology covering the hull planks or slats on the wooden dummy described in the literature repeatedly. In relation to the scale of 1:32-1:37 is offered as blanks for the casing material use a student line of length RT 30 to 40 cm They must be cut across the width into three strips with a cutter or a homemade machine to the result of the slats with a width of about 7 mm with a thickness of 2 mm.
The same rack is also applicable for the plating of the decks. However, this element of the case it is better to type on glass-based substrate. On a pre-cut piece of cloth after applying it to the epoxy glue up a deck of slats with the distillation of joints in accordance with the original. “Drying” is done under pressure, the blank deck is closed on both sides by plastic film.
FINISH. The possibility of application of polyester varnish is considered to be among the copyists very controversial. However, personal experience says that with “poly-afirmou” it is possible to achieve good results. The difficulty lies in the required 3-5 minutes to complete all the surface such as the underwater hull (at the end of this time the resin is collected in lumps and to use the).
Further processes — grinding and achieve the required surface quality is carried out by classical methods. It should be noted that the grinding should be treated very carefully, as when removing coatings to wood all lacquer layer will have to restore again. Full finish process takes (from personal experience) for about three weeks.
NON-TRADITIONAL MATERIALS. In some cases, in the interests of simplifying the technology and to save time it is advantageous to move away from full backup and apply do not match the prototype materials.
Glass fiber strips from it is advisable to stick where there are rows of Windows in the area aft of the sinks and gambart. Wavy structure and light yellow shade of fiberglass combined with by the Windows and window frames.
Foil glass fiber useful, for example, to simulate the stern lantern. When assembling the sides of the lantern are epoxy, and the upper and lower parts soldered. The same material can be used for parts of the carved ornaments. However, it should be remembered that this pattern of etched foil does not give the volume-relief effect.
THE METALLIC ELEMENTS. Likely to models of historical ships, the most promising is the production of many metal parts made of copper followed by chemical staining in a solution of “liver of sulfur” (see the journal “technology and science” № 1 for the year 19VV). The technology of galvanic oxidation can help out when working on a large number of imitation guns. Pure copper carve these parts with the required surface finish is quite difficult, so it’s easier to handle the brass and then cover it “under the copper”.
In addition to proposed advice, I would caution beginners from the very common mistake of immense increase the surface quality of all without exception of parts of microparasite. This often only leads to coarseness of appearance and brand scopename perception of the model as a whole. In the process of finishing… need to know the measure and is very sensitive to feel the necessity of deliberate “desensitization” of the trim elements.

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