PIPE - NOT JUST FOR PLUMBINGToday, when the gardens “grow” here m and there like mushrooms after the rain, one of the MoH the main task for the builders is to buy materials. Shortages and astronomical prices make each Board or rail in many places truly Golden In the course are all sorts of wood, of any quality and size. Therefore, the publication “M-To* garden furniture some readers perceive as not timely “there are boards on the house are not enough, not that deck chair”, they say. However KDM still believes that human culture should manifest itself not only in his appearance, behavior and other generally accepted principles, but also in the approach to the hotel. Civilized people needs to rest in a civilized manner! And albeit lacking a lot, without which we cannot live humanly, savvy will allow to use rationally for its use even worthless stuff.

For example, the story, which told the Polish magazine “Prob myself.” Testing, as we are, difficulties with the lumber, one of the Polish homebrew decided to equip the area. Digging in the scrap, he got there the old water pipes and elements of fittings (tees and elbows) Well and the job was to clear the pipe from rust, and cut into dice thread, to collect the chair, sunbed, luvic and a table, and then paint all the metal parts in nitro enamel
In fairness it should be noted that the work carried out resourceful wife of the furniture maker (and maybe the plumber!). She had to sew soft pillows and covers. What happened in the end — you can see in the pictures. Perhaps someone “that idea will come in handy!
Set of garden furniture from water pipes
Set of garden furniture from water pipes:
A — chair. B table (countertops” Il 12-mm plywood), sun lounger, G — beanbag

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