Raskroyu sheet steel thickness 0,5—1,0 mm, as shown in the drawing, you can start assembling the apparatus. The connection joints can be done by soldering or aluminium rivets Ø 2-3 mm.
The inside of the shell for better diffusion of light is painted white or silver paint, and exterior — in any dark color. The light source is a lamp with a capacity of 100-150 watts. Its blowing at the rear of the case has a fan, under which you can use a AC electric motor with a capacity of 10-20 watts.

Scan the chassis and the layout of the overhead projector:
1 — fan; 2 — lamp, 3 — mirror; 4 — tube; 5 — guiding bushing; 6 — the lens.
The optical system consists of lenses with Ø 40-50 mm with a focal length of 250-280 mm, mounted in a cardboard tube and mirror located at an angle of 45° to the optical axis. The best results in image sharpness can be achieved by setting the lens of child filmoscope. The lens barrel with easy friction moves to the wooden guide bushing, what is the focus is way off when projecting.