A parachute with a diameter of 600 — 800 mm are cut from mcalenney paper. Slings (12 pieces) length of 900 — 1000 mm is attached along the edges of the dome paper plates or strips of tape. Their free ends is reduced in one knot and tied to the loop on the skirt fairing. Paint the model in bright contrasting colors nitro.
Flight weight of the model without MRD — 15 — 17 g, start with agnostinelli launchers with a diameter of 5 mm.
The model described above can serve as the first sports a “shell” for beginners rocketmodeler.
Modern, more perfect model class Ѕ3А a few years ago developed a now famous athlete from Dubna Igor Ponomarev. Its body is made of ordinary writing paper (for Photocopying) density 80 g/m2 . Athlete widely introduces its innovation in competitive practice. Admittedly, he has a lot of followers. These chassis he used to build models categories S6 and S9, which repeatedly became the champion of Russia in these categories. I believe that the proposed I. Ponomarev available technology will be useful to many rakatomalala.
A model rocket class S3A I. Ponomarev:
1 — fairing (polystyrene); 2 — body; 3 — tail cone; 4 — thread suspension model; 5 — a thorough compartment; 6 — stabilizer; 7 — MRD; 8 — retainer MRD
The case is made of paper, made of three elements; conical and two cylindrical. Basic cylinder length 275 mm glued on a mandrel with a diameter of 40 mm, a tail length of 59 mm, the mandrel diameter of 10.2 mm. Between the cylinders connect the cone with a length of 125 mm. the narrow part on a length of 40 mm made of two layers of paper. Gluing the overlapping width of the belt is about 4 mm. outside Finished case cover with two layers of nitrocellulose lacquer. Its weight is 6.5 g.
Feathers stabilizers (three of them) are cut from the balsa plate thickness 0.9 mm. the Lateral surface is reinforced by paper and varnish. To the body of the engine compartment stabilizers glued back to back. Along one of them is fixed on the epoxy resin retainer MRD length 72 mm, curved made of steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm. it is glue and thread pendants parachute made of Kevlar.
Fairing stamped from polystyrene (a jar from under yogurt). The dome of a parachute with a diameter of 900 mm from a metalized polyester, sling — 16 PCs.
Speaking about models of missiles Ѕ3А, it is impossible not to take into account the main design element — the parachute. It. more specifically its diameter, is, that from him at 80 — 90% depends on the time of flight. But today, the diameter of the parachute the majority of participants of this class ranges from 900 — 1200 mm Material — metallized Mylar film with a thickness of 3 to 5 microns. (This applies in large space — hang it coiled objects spacecraft). The number of lines from 12 to 16 pieces. For optional tours athletes use parachutes with a diameter of the dome is about 1.5 meters.
Another important ingredient of successful performance of rocketmodeler you should consider into account the meteorological situation, the ability to navigate in it. And most importantly — accurately select the beginning of the campaign. It’s not always flying models are made in ideal circumstances — with complete calm. And the presence of upstream or downstream significantly affects the duration of the flight. The determination of these athletes often use all sorts of fire detectors, installing them at the start on a long pole. But an absolute guarantee of finding updrafts for the start of they do not. Usually the sensor is installed at a low height, about 4 — 5 m, but the model takes off for 250 — 280 m. And if there Termik at the start, he can’t always be on top, where the opening of the parachute of the model rocket. Summarizing the above, I note that the sum of all the constituent elements of the competitions, their knowledge and their correct use of athletes for successful performance.