FIRST ROCKETWhere to start! This is the question asked by many novice rocketmodeler. What model to choose and what technology to build it! In our opinion, a good help in this will have material prepared at the request of the editors by S. Karasinym, supervisor of the club Houses of children’s creativity on Vasilevsky island of St. Petersburg.

The curriculum of any flying circle involves the construction of a simple single-stage model with a parachute or brake band. In connection with the change in the rules of the competition (increasing the diameter and length of the body) there is a need to develop models that meet the requirements of the new rules. In the design of such mini-missiles in our circle we solved the following tasks. The first is to do without scarce materials; second — the ability to manufacture without the use of machinery equipment; third is the acquisition of skills in drawing and hand tools. We offer you our versions of several models.
Build a miniature rocket (Fig. 1) start with making the case. On the mandrel with a diameter of 30 mm is wound up from any drawing paper in two layers with a small overlap, and one turnover without glue. After drying, the tube sand the seam and cover it with two layers of lacquer NTS. It should be noted that all outer surfaces of the model varnished to create a ground at the finish. D$forth on the mandrel with a diameter of 13 mm perform engine compartment for installation of MRD. He is a two-layer tube similar to the body. For positioning and centering of the MRD you need to make adapter rings. Material for them is in this embodiment is cardboard. There are also different grades of foam. The outer diameter of transition rings is slightly less than 30 mm, the inner of about 15 mm. Sawed jigsaw and machined rings are placed at both ends to the engine compartment and stick. The resulting coil is securely glued to the body of the model.
Stabilizers — paper; cut out the pattern, bent and glued together. After marking their location on the body glued with PVA. The halyard for the chute attached to the model in any way.
Fairing design is unusual. Are not only paper, but also a pine rail, and the foam for the plugs. First cut the base of the fairing, which is a cylinder of drawing paper. Then glue the cone, which is connected to the base with glue and teeth. Inside the fairing is glued in the structure consisting of stubs and pine slats with a thread for attaching the fairing to the halyard. So the fairing didn’t sink in missiles on the outer surface of the base paste a strip of paper 5 mm in width.
Fig. 1. Educational model rocket
Fig. 1. Educational model rocket:
1 — cone fairing, 2 — stud 3 — plug 4 — thread mount fairing, 5 — base of the fairing, 6 — recovery system (parachute or brake band), 7 — housing, 8 — plug wad, 9 — the case of the wad, 10 — engine, 11 — the linking ring, 12 — stabilizer.

Fig. 2. A training model of a missile
Fig. 2. A training model of a missile:
1 – stud, 2 cone fairing, 3 — mount fairing, 4 — rescue system, 5 — casing, 6 — the guide ring, 7 — wad, 8 — ring adapter, 9 — compartment mrad, 10 — stabilizer. Pattern: head fairing (I), stabilizer (II) and the base (III).

Fig. 3. A model rocket
Fig. 3. A model rocket “Fix”:
1 — fairing (wood), 2 — nose cone (paper), 3 — parachute or brake band, 4 housing, 5 — wad, 6 — engine compartment. 7 — bottom part, 8 — stabilizer (paper). Pattern: stabilizer (I), the uniform element (the fairing and the bottom) — II.

For reliable ejection parachute system is best to use a hard wad, made in the form of a cylinder, which wall — paper, rolled in one turn, and the bottoms of the stub of foam. A properly made wad should be freely exposed to air to move around inside the case.
After ready all of the missiles, it is possible to assemble and finish. For painting the model used nitroemali different colors. It is desirable that each student painted a model in its own way.
The proposed model is created by members of the first year students in eight classes, which corresponds to the program. When making this model students will develop skills in marking workpieces, a jig saw, file, finish, what was needed for the instruction of students in the construction of a more complex model rockets.
On the flight test model flies steadily, even if not done very carefully.
The mass of the model without MRD and parachute about 30 g of the Retarder of the engine is 2 s.
Further development of educational models are miniature rockets, are shown in figures 2 and 3. You can use them for competitions in two categories (SA and Ѕ6А) sports models.
S a n t-P etersburg

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