Body — fiberglass tube of variable cross section, the maximum outer diameter of 40.3 mm, the minimum is 10.4 mm. the Material is fiberglass with a thickness of 0.03 mm in two layers and epoxy resin ED-6. After resin curing, the mandrel with the billet housing is clamped in a lathe, the process (at 600 — 700 rpm) and cut to length — 405 mm. Then lightly heat it and remove housing (ready) from the mandrel.

Class champion of rocket modeling S6B S. Romanyuk with her daughter Irina on 12-m the championship of Russia in the city of Orel
The same technology is molded fairing and connecting the sleeve to a length of 30 mm. glued It to the skirt of the cone to a depth of 5 mm, pre-abasiri its inner surface. The other (butt) end of the sleeve is closed with a balsa frame with a thickness of 1,5 mm, to which is glued a loop of strong thread. To it then tie the thread suspension package and system recovery.
Stabilizers made of balsa plate with a thickness of 0.7 mm, the side surfaces of them are covered with glass fiber epoxy resin. To the body glued back to back. One is attached with Kevlar thread — a thread suspension.

A model rocket S6B class champion, 2003 S. Romaniuk (G. Uray):
1 — fairing; 2 — connecting sleeve; 3 — bulkhead; 4 — thread suspension of the case; 5 — brake band; 6 — housing; 7 — wad; 8 — tail cone; 9 — stabilizer; 10 — container MRD

It looks like the model in flight:
1 — brake band; 2 — thread suspension ribbon; 3 — fairing; 4 — gum-attenuator; 5 — thread pendants corps; 6 corps
Brake band (streamer) — cut from printing Mylar film with a thickness of 0.025 mm, its dimensions — 1450×110 mm.
The mass of the model without the streamer and MRD— 10