WHEEL PLUS SAILMany can make a shift to summer camp? Because it ends so quickly! And no matter how much enthusiasm in the students-smart, funny, summer time beckons them to postpone for a time the tools to escape into the forest to the river or to play football. But there are models that even beginners have time to build just a few classes. And not only build, but also want to experiment with them and compete. These include models of a wheeled yacht. The smallest automodellista it is possible to offer a simple boat. Composing elements in different ways, it is easy to create the most unusual “asphalt sailing”.

The hull, crossbeam and mast are made of durable hardwood slats. The cross section of the rails of the housing 8X6 mm. Mast round her bottom Ø 6 mm, up to 4 mm. Boom (the so-called rail that supports the bottom edge of the sail) — also round wooden rod Ø 4 mm End you can narrow it down to 2-3 mm. For the construction of the model will need a small cutting thin plywood (cut solitaire, reinforcing the junction of the housing and the cross beam), a few thin nails and strong thread.
Cutting length of the workpiece slats, don’t throw away waste. They will be useful for the design of the front wheel fork. It and start work on ‘ the body. Glued to its front end laterally small segments of the same rails, using their ends drill one horizontal through-hole for the wheel axle. The distance from it to the end of the rails of the case must be at least 30 mm. This will allow you to install the nose wheel of relatively large diameter. The axis of the wheel — nail. Of tinplate cut out six round washers, they need to put on the axis on both sides of each of the three wheels of the model.
Connecting the housing and the cross beam, lay in the junction of the plywood gusset plate, a densely RUB the joint with glue and shoot down the details of one nail. Until a connection has dried, check to see whether a right-angle mounted beam relative to the housing. If not, carefully align the mutual positions of the parts.
Now for the mounting of the boom to the mast. We offer two options for this node: using a bent ring, hammered into the mast of a nail, a lug which is bent the end of another nail driven into the end of the boom, and with a metal clamp tightly around the mast. At its lower end to drive the piece of wire (a nail) so that it protrudes from the mast to 4-5 mm. In the dried casing, drill some holes with 6 mm pitch, moving them pin the base of the mast (spurs), you can find its optimal position. At the ends of the beam and on the nose housing attach lugs anchor the forestay (the front brace of the mast) and backstage (side guy). The same ear seal and the intersection of the beam with the body. The forestay and backstay set still; to the last eyelet tied the sheet squashing the end of the boom. Adjusting the length of the sheet, it is easy to find the position of the sail corresponding to the angle between the wind direction and the course of the yacht.
The model of the wheeled yacht
Model wheeled yachts:
1 — body, 2 — scarf joint, 3 — cross, 4 — wheel, 5 — backstay, 6 — sheet, 7 — sail on 8 — geek 9 — the mast 10 — fork of the front wheel.

Bearing wheels
The design of the wheels:
1 — rubber ring — tire, 2 — rim, 3 — tubular bearing, 4 — bearing winding thread to improve the reliability of bonding. A wheel with a plywood rim and laid in the groove with rubber ring; B — the foam wheel is worn on the outside ring of the rubber.

The design of the hinge mounting of the boom on the mast.
The design of the hinge mounting of the boom on the mast.
Ready-made frame several times is covered with water resistant varnish and then set sail, are cut from fabric of the type of Bologna or dense, but flexible synthetic film.
Too flexible sail better not to, otherwise you’ll have to enter in the construction of armour — plate, strengthening wind flapping in the wind on the trailing edge of the cloth. The sail to the mast and boom is sewn, but you can use sticky tape “Scotch”.
Wheels. The more accurate they will be made and mounted on the model, the easier our boat will roll on the asphalt even with the light breeze. A little advice: don’t hold the wheel with a small diameter. Otherwise, all the bumps in the road will not only slow down the race cars, but down this path. A land yacht as opposed to sea won’t be able to get back on track. That is why we must “shod” wheels in tires to eliminate the possibility of slippage, and carefully adjust the straightness of the stroke, a little bending axis.
The wheels are machined out of plywood or dense foam. In any case you should seal them in a tubular copper sleeve bearings that facilitate rotation of the hub on the axle.
Of tire rings cut from an old Bicycle inner tube. These rings can be installed in machined around the circumference of the wheel groove, vytachiv wheel a little more, to pull the wide segments of the same camera, which seemed to hug the rim on the outside. And in that and in other case it is useful to consolidate the rubber into the glue. It remains to put the wheels on the model and try it on the go.
In strong winds before launch upload the windward end of the transverse beam, so that a random gust of wind overturned the boat.
The external appearance will greatly improve if you work on the shape of the hull lines. A little imagination plus the bright paint and other available materials: foam, plywood, cardboard and thin transparent celluloid or film — and is ready with a modern design. But don’t forget about the requirement of minimal weight. The lighter the camera, the easier it is to little wind prosernat wheel of the yacht and the faster it will finish.
Possible the construction of models of the wheel of the yacht
Possible the construction of models of the wheel of the yacht:
1 — materials: metal housing, a plywood cross member and the rigid mounting of the mast 2 — plywood I-beam-body and jib, 3 — wire body frame, 4 is a two — masted with a plywood body, complemented by a cardboard of gargrota 5 — wing-sail and bow thruster.

The frame is a rigid sail-wing
The frame is a rigid sail-wing:
1 — end rib 2 of the rail-longitudinal, 3 — string, 4 — Klondike 5 — root rib.

The scheme of the thruster
The scheme of the thruster:
1 — fore end of the body, 2 — nose wheel, 3 — axis rotation wheels, 4 — vane steering device. A boat is moving straight ahead; B — boat off course, the wheel would have rotated relative to the housing to the corner of OS, returning the model to a specified rate.

To increase the rapidity can be different. The easiest way to “capture” more getra, which will need to increase the area of the sail. The fastest may be mnogomachtovy model that carries some of the same sails. Another way — extra small front cloth, called a staysail. As the slat on the plane, staysail increases the “carrying capacity” of the sail, the Matter is that these sails work well only when the wind blowing on the flat side of the wing.
And to improve the sustainability of the model in the course try to make a steerable front wheel. If you connect the axis of rotation of the plug wheel with the vane steering device, the wind will constantly expand the casing, the angle between the wind direction and the course unit will be constant. Consider the permutation angle of the vane relative to the steering wheel.
Built in a circle a few land yachts, arrange a contest of speed, course or accuracy noted in the “gate”. I wonder previously to hold a poster rating, noting the award credits the originality and workmanship of the best designs. Relying on the conduct of the competition, limit the height of the mast for all participants — this will put them in the same conditions (at a small height from the ground the change in wind speed at the height of significant).

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