For the conversion of motorcycle into bezakkumulyatornyh I purchased: alternator 43.3701 (from motorcycles “Minsk” or “Sunrise”), two thyristor switch, CAT-1, the unit BKS-261.3764, inductive sensor and lamp and a sound signal of 12 V. you Can also make a 12 volt generator two generators Г427 from the old models of motorcycles: one to use as a base along with a section of the lighting (she wound a thick wire), and from another — only section of lighting. For this first generator need to remove three sections, wound with thinner wire (without touching the coil plug which is covered with a metal plate), and put instead of them the lighting coil removed from another generator. Then the two sections be connected in series. If the subsequent verification of the generator on the bike will determine that the voltage generated by the generator is not increased, but decreased, you need to reverse the connection of one of the sections on the opposite.

Steel any brand you need to carve the transition flange, install it into the counterbore of crankcase and attach with screws М6хЗО mm. When marking the holes on the flange as a template to use the generator stator. To put the rotor on the trunnion of the crankshaft, you should use the drill appropriate diameter and needle file to make a new recess for the dowel (pin). I do not recommend to do the recess for the pin at another point, as in this case violated the optimal location of the generator inside the case. Since the new generator small size, right crankcase cover requires almost no alteration. It is only necessary to remove part of the septum, as shown, and attach an additional partition made of aluminium with a thickness of 5-6 mm (sizes to clarify the place). The crankcase is also required to paste a partition, a hermetic compartment of the generator. It is best to use epoxy glue to add the small aluminum filings.
Now you can do by the generator. The most time-consuming operation — fixing on it the inductive sensor to the second cylinder. Note on the accuracy of this operation depends on the coincidence of the ignition timing in the right and left cylinders. Space for mounting the second sensor on the generator is not provided, so we’ll have to rearrange the terminals of the windings on some other places. For the first marking position generator must be installed on the engine. Using the indicator to find top dead center (TDC) of one of the pistons and to Orient the generator so that the slot magnet on the rotor was exactly against the ledge of the sensor core, and then the screws on the alternator to tighten. Next, inspect the crankshaft to find TDC for the other piston. Attaching the sensor to the generator, it is possible to note its location. Unfortunately, the points of attachment of the sensor detected the existing holes from the terminal screws, so the inside of the generator have to priklopiti two small steel plates 3 mm thick where to drill holes and cut thread M4 for fastening screws of the sensor. Since the holes are drilled on the place, we must try not to damage the drill bit, the coil of ignition.
Due to the fact that it is practically impossible to provide an accurate position of the sensor, it is best to secure each plate with only one rivet. Because of this fastening, loosening the screws, you can shift the sensor in the desired direction in the final adjustment. The thus-prepared generator can be installed on a motorcycle. To clarify, at what position of the rotor relative to the sensor a spark, which is important for the subsequent adjustment of the ignition timing, good use of strobe. At speeds below average and correctly adjusted the gap between the rotor and the sensor (0,3…0,6 mm) distance a (see figure) is 1 mm. With further increase of speed the distance increases by about 0.6 mm, which ensures an automatic increase in ignition timing.
The regular relay-regulator should be removed and in this place to install two switch KAT-1. It is important to provide a reliable electrical contact housings KAT-1 to ground of motorcycle. The BCS unit containing a voltage regulator, fixed by clamps under the tank between the ignition coil and Vozduhoflotsky. Side unit of BKS, where the compound which flooded the circuit elements, it is desirable to close flat lid made of aluminum.
Modified circuit diagram of a motorcycle
Modified circuit diagram of a motorcycle “Java-634/8”:
EL1-EL4 — indicator lamps (12 V, 15 W); EL5 — lamp of the far-beam (12, 40/35 W); EL6, EL10 — marker lamps (12 V, 4 W); EL7 — on indicator high beam (12 V, 2 W); EL8 — lamp backlight speedometer (12 V, 2 W); EL9 battery lamp brake light (12 V, 20 W); SA1 —switch anti-theft; S1 —switch of turn indicators; S2 — switch driving-beam and horn. XI-XS is the same type of connectors, VD1 — VD4 — diodes KD202; C1 — 4… electrolytic capacitor of 10 µf (25 V); A1 — unit BKS-261.3734 (12); AS1—the ignition switch; L1, L2 of the ignition coil; K1 — relay of turn indicators; SA2 — brake light switch; A2-1, A2-2 — electronic switches, the thyristor (CAT-1), G1 — generator 43.3701 or Г427 (terminals of the generator; the primary winding 12; 3 — the ignition coil; D1 sensor of the first cylinder; D2 — sensor of the second cylinder); HL1 —signal light; NA1 — signal sound.
The position of the rotor relative to the sensor, the appropriate time sparks

The position of the rotor relative to the sensor corresponding to the moment of sparking.
The generator rotor (view from the side of the bore)
The generator rotor (view from the side of the bore):
1 — groove spline; 2 — the recess for the pin.
Adapter flange
The transition flange.

Revision of the case (a) and cover (b)
Revision of the case (a) and cover (b):
1 — partition; 2 — plate.

Electrical schematic (a) and a printed circuit Board, (b) Blinker
Electrical schematic (a) and a printed circuit Board, (b) Blinker.
Due to the fact that the winding of the ignition and lighting on the new generator are separated, requires a substantial modification of the wiring of the motorcycle. As seen in the modified diagram, all consumers constantly connected to the generator, and the switched wire connected to “weight” of the motorcycle and to terminal 30 of the ignition switch. Due to this outwardly changes nothing: when you insert the key until it stops — turn on the ignition, turn the key to position “1” switches dimensions, in position “2” — headlight. For the above reason, you need to modify the rear light — remove it and redo the mounting of the lamp so that both her output was isolated from the body, as shown in the wiring diagram.
Both switch are fed from one coil, its power is enough for normal operation of the motorcycle. ЅА1 toggle switch mounted under the saddle of the motorcycle, blocking the engine is started. The switches included in the circuit of the motorcycle via the connectors x2, X3. The X1 connector of the same type connected to the unit BKS (A1). In case of failure of one of switches CAT-1 is sufficient to move the appropriate connector by disconnecting it from the faulty switch and connecting to BCS, and you can continue driving. The main role of the BCS unit on a motorcycle — the stabilization of voltage in the vehicle electrical system. For this purpose, the coil “On” of the generator is connected to all consumers (except ignition systems), connected to the terminal 02 of the unit of BCS. The ignition coils L1 and L2 were replaced.
When you change the bulb in the headlight for its connection it is necessary to replace the connectors on the narrow or wide to cut needle files contacts the lamp so that their width corresponds to the width of the plug.
After installing a new generator, there are difficulties with the audio signal. In order to be able to use a car alarm, working only on direct current, it is necessary to collect the rectifier on semiconductor diodes VD1 —VD4 and the capacitor C1.
The capacity of C1 must be large enough — 4… 10 UF at a voltage less than 25 V. If you could not find a condenser of suitable capacity, can be several connected in parallel. The rectifier is located on the triangular plate of insulating material (e.g., PCB), which is fixed under the tank in the triangular space formed by the tubes of the frame. If the capacitor is not placed there, it can be placed in any other suitable location.
Relay turn signal K1 can be used from a motorcycle “Rising” or “Minsk” with a 12-volt electrical system or to make an electronic relay. The advantage of the latter is high stability when a significant voltage fluctuations in the vehicle electrical system when the engine is at idle.
On the chip DD1 made a pulse generator, whose frequency is adjusted by resistor R2. Through a current amplifier transistors /T 1 and VT2 pulses to the control electrode of the triac VS2. The diode VD1 — rectifier AC; VS1, R6, C2 — parametric stabilizer to power the chip DD1; SA1 — switch turn signal; Е1_1 and Е1_2 — indicator lamps.
Relay K1 is placed in the housing from the polarized relay WP4. Simes tor VS2 mounted on aluminium area, which is fixed on the Board by two rivets. The scheme collected from serviceable details of adjustment does not demand.

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