NEW LOOK - It is well known that the wind fairing is not a tribute to the motorcycle fashion, and not only protect the rider from the cold and dirt. A well designed shield can increase the speed with two-wheeled machines due to the reduction of aerodynamic drag. But the appearance of the motorcycle fairing attaches to consistency and completeness: the motor vehicle acquires its own entity, releasing the car in several thousand likes.
Unfortunately, those that have been produced by our industry, do not differ elegance, well thought-out aerodynamic layout. Well, for those that are produced today, the cooperatives have to pay so much that you immediately forget about the increased fuel consumption, reduced ride comfort.
It should be noted that to make a front fairing for a motorcycle is not too difficult, and the materials needed for this are readily available. In today’s post we want to introduce the motor-fans with the design and the design of the fairing, designed our reader Vladimir Kovalev from the city of Bryansk.
Homemade front fairing. Many riders equip them with their two-wheeled machines. Indeed, a good windshield significantly improves the appearance of the motorcycle; made by the same mindlessly and without any connection with its appearance transforms the bike into something archaic, antediluvian.
I would like to share with the readers of “M-K” design my fairing for your motorcycle. When choosing the design I proceeded from those of the principal features that distinguish a motorcycle “Java-634” machines from earlier releases. It is therefore clearly visible on my Petrovice ribs, which, among other things, increase the rigidity and strength of the shell.
To tilt the front plane of the face shield, had to retreat from the plane of the connector of the headlamp forward. This gave the opportunity to make a shield of deep, well-rounded, allowed to place it inside a drawer for small items (gloves, satin, photo or radio equipment, etc.), protected from rain.
The rear sections of the flap are made parallel main lines of the motorcycle; the upper part of the cut is parallel to the feather of front fork, lower front of the frame. It is possible to obtain the appearance of the motorcycle as a holistic, harmonious.
The fairing is a structurally opaque spatial shell is laminated of a composite material and connected with a transparent wind shield of organic glass.
The sides of the fairing have opening shutters with adjustable angle of their deflection. Placing them in one of the fixed positions, you can reduce the negative pressure inside the fairing. This primarily reduces the so-called bottom pressure, whose magnitude significantly affects Cx is the drag coefficient. In addition, the decrease in vacuum inside the fairing virtually eliminates parasitic turbulences of air and reduces the suction of dust and water splashes.
The upper (transparent) part of the fairing has a reduced height, however, the effectiveness of wind shield because this did not deteriorated: bent part of the shield seals the air flow and actually rejects it approximately in the area of the inlet of the fan helmet of the type “integral” (by the way, also homemade). The driver is in a stagnant, quite comfortable zone. All this gave the possibility to limit the height of the wind shield at approximately the level of the chin of metabolites that allows for optimal forward visibility, even in cases when weather conditions make the glass opaque.
Fig. 1. Wind fairing for a motorcycle of the type
Fig. 1. Wind fairing for a motorcycle of the type “Java-634”:
1 — transparent wind fairing part (Plexiglas with a thickness of 4 mm), 2 — edging glass (rubber U-shaped profile), 3 — rearview mirror, 4 — opaque part of the fairing (Vileika of fiberglass in epoxy binder with a thickness of about 4 mm), 5 — pin, 6 — trim the edge of the fairing (rubber U-shaped profile), 7 — fold with adjustable deflection angle, 8 — screws M5 nuts fixing the glass to the fairing, 9 — transparent shield to protect the lights (Plexiglas 4 mm thick)10 screw M5 nut for mounting the transparent plate.
Wind fairing for a motorcycle of the type

The front fairing is equipped with two rear vision mirrors, which are also shaped from composite materials. The mirror combination: each panoramic and direct.
The internal cavity of the fairing are covered with black artificial leather.
A motorcycle fairing is mounted at four points. Main fasteners — bolts, by which the front fork is fixed in the headlamp. The subsidiary is a stand on the handlebars of a motorcycle and hinged mirrors fairing. By the way, the amount of tilt of the shield can be changed by increasing or decreasing the height of the stands.
Long-term operation of the fairing showed that its design and aerodynamics are quite satisfactory. Now I continue to work on the manufacture of additional equipment for motorcycle: make fairings for legs.
V. KOVALEV, Bryansk
Unfortunately, Kovalev not told about the technology of the fairing, and for many readers it’s important. Let’s try to fill a missing link in the article by V. Kovalev.
Before you start working on Vileika fairing, you need to decide for yourself which method of manufacture of shell you prefer to use: Vileika on the disc or Vileika in the matrix. The advantages and disadvantages of the first and second method.
Work to manufacture a fairing to start with it’s drawn at a convenient scale. Further, from scrap materials — cardboard, plywood, and clay — is a small model of the fairing, which specified its form and size. When you are sure that the resulting model fits your design ideas, you can go to the production of ingots fairing in full size.
Vileika on the disc start with boxes, plywood box, which could fit inside the future cone. Form boxes shall be notified in accordance with the sketches and model. You can use packing foam in combination with clay, plaster or even clay. It makes sense to first bring the form to one half of the fairing to the plane of symmetry, and then use a cardboard template to replicate the other half.
We must remember that the disc reproduces the internal cavity of the fairing, so you need the sizes to understate in accordance with the thickness of the future shell about three millimeters.
The finished disc is covered with a separating layer — parquet with mastic or grease (for example, tsiatim) and glued a piece of fiberglass soaked in epoxy resin, carefully mixed with the hardener in a ratio of 8:1. When working with fiberglass and resin it is necessary to use rubber gloves, work outdoors or at the window, in the draft.
Valaku it is best to make at once, without waiting for curing of the next layer. After vyklicky sheath finished with epoxy putty (resin mixed with talc or tooth powder), vyshkurivaetsya, primed, and then covered with the so-called “darkroom” with a layer of paint. Illuminating shell frosted lamp, reflected glare determine the correct shape of the fairing. Deviations from the shape, bends, bulges, depressions — vysalivaniya and vyshkurivaetsya, then applied to a second processing layer of paint, and the operations are repeated.
Fig. 2. The sequence of operations for manufacturing the fairing method of veclachi on the disc.
Fig. 2. The sequence of operations for manufacturing the fairing method of veclachi on the disc:
And made of plywood basics blanks — box; — finishing the form boxes using clay, plaster or stucco; — Vileika fairing from scraps of fiberglass using epoxy resin.
Final fairing finishing — coating multiple layers of alkyd enamel.
Matrix method of veclachi should be recommended for those who intends to do more of the same fairings. The work in this case begins with the creation of the master model. In fact, it’s the same disc, however, its surface needs to be trimmed as the surface of the future cone. It is therefore excluded as a finishing material clay. The basis of the master model also serves as a plywood box, and finishing the form is made using foam and epoxy putty.
With a ready master model is removed, the matrix is a thin — walled shell of fiberglass (though you can use other materials — burlap, trim any tissue, etc.) and epoxy glue. After curing of the shell glued on top of her ribs, and the shell is removed from the master model.
Next, the matrix is placed in a box filled with wooden bars and a compound of epoxy resin and dry sand. Thus prepared, the matrix is ready to Vileika fairing.
Fig. 3. The sequence of operations for manufacturing the fairing by matrix method.
Fig. 3. The sequence of operations for manufacturing the fairing by matrix method:
A — fabrication of the master model on the basis of a plywood box with lapping forms using foam and epoxy putty; B — cork matrix of fiberglass and epoxy binder; The matrix prepared for Vileika shell fairing.
It should be noted that when the matrix method of veclachi shell does not need painting. Enough as the first (after the separation) of the double layer to cover the colored resin matrix (this can be done by dry pigments or even some amount of oil paint and a white pigment, such as magnesia or baby powder), wait until she’s in the curing process reaches a gelatinous state, and to continue Vileika already flaps fiberglass and unpainted resin. Increasing the shell thickness up to 3…4 mm, valaku stop. Remove the fairing from the matrix should be approximately a day. Typically, the surface of the product in the matrix method does not require additional processing. The shell is only cropped on the contour, and painted the inner cavity.

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