From the devastation of the civil war Petrograd began to rise by the middle of 1920-ies. Respectively, began to grow and the population of the city, considerably departing from 1918 to 1920. The only form of public transport in Petrograd was a tram, but the cars are too worn down and dilapidated over the years of the First world and Civil wars. Naturally, to return the city to normality was needed and the restoration of the tram system, which has taken a number of measures.
In the summer of 1921, the Council for the management of municipal Railways and of the joint meeting of all local committees appealed to workers and employees of the Petrograd tram depot with an appeal, which talked about the need for extraordinary measures to maintain tram traffic in the city.
In the autumn of that year the fare on the tram, the former free from 1917, again made paid. In 1922 was revised the existing tram routes, which diverged from the centre of town in different directions, which caused the congestion of the tram at the last stop in the centre of Petrograd. New steel radial routes and extended to the working-class suburbs. Since 1923 the tram began to walk and on Sundays, and on weekdays its duration increased.
More acute was the situation and condition of the rolling stock. Inherited from pre-revolutionary times Petrograd, renamed in 1924 to Leningrad, except for the cars-“pioneers” Brush got type MP MB built Putilov and Kolomna factories. There was also a small number of cars MF evacuated in 1915 from Riga.